SQL Job Timeline (Graphical)

  • Hi Vinay,

    the trick is to right-click on the results and select "Copy with Headers".

    That copies the column names too.

  • This script is great!!! It's something I've wanted but even beginning it was way over my head. I assume you are using conditional formatting on the cell color in Excel? Brilliant!

    Instead of the previous 24 hours, do you have anything that looks at what's sheduled and coming up?


    --@ The Wiz, when I run your script, it does not give each time increment, only the records where the job ran. So when I put it in Excel, I don't get the graph I get when the orig. script is pasted in with (all 0s and 1s).

  • Hi Lisa!

    If you really want to see all the time-slots, not just the "interesting ones" (where 1 or more jobs are running),

    then grab the now-fixed script from above and SET @ShowJobCollisionsOnly = -1

    I took out the no-jobs-running timeslots to cut down on the data the script returns, to make it easier for people to scan the "important" bits, but I guess should have left the option to display them in there for people who wanted it 🙂

  • Hello,

    thank you, great skript.

    i changed time(0) and cast to convert(DATETIME

    then it worked for me (sql 2005)


  • This is a fantastic script but where i work i have 2 server still running SQL Server 2000. I have tried and tried to get the information to display the same way but just cant seem to get it to work.

    Can anyone help me out and get the information to display the same way as it does with the original script?

  • I tried getting the job names to pivot somehow in SQL 2000 (as we have a legacy server running it still...), but I gave up after a while too.

    The closest I got to the original "pivoted" data was posted a bit further up in this thread: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/FindPost1414190.aspx.

    A google search for SQL 2000 pivot brings up a few contenders for a solution.

    Best of luck, and if anyone manages to solve it, please post the code here for others to use!

  • Hi guys

    Thought i would post again as i have managed to get ths to work for SQL Server 2000.

    I know its porbably not the tidyest or most slick way of doing it but it works as the original script does. If anyone can edit and provide the code for a more slick example then i am open to suggestion.

    set nocount on

    declare @Minutes table (DT datetime)

    declare @JobNames table (JobName varchar(255))

    declare @dt datetime

    declare @StartDT datetime

    declare @EndDT datetime

    declare @resolution int

    declare @RemoveNonactiveJobs int

    declare @IgnoreDisabledJobs int


    -- Set variables


    set @StartDT = getdate() - 1

    set @EndDT = getdate()

    set @resolution = 1 -- Enter the Resolution in minutes

    set @RemoveNonactiveJobs = 1

    set @IgnoreDisabledJobs = 1


    -- Pre-run cleanup (just in case)


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Timeline') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Timeline;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobRuntime;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pivot') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Pivot;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblTLine') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblTLine;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblTasks') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblTasks;


    -- Make a Jobname table


    insert into @JobNames (JobName)

    select replace(name, ' ', '.') --Replace spaces (they are invalid in XML based pivot lower in the code)

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    where enabled = @IgnoreDisabledJobs

    --WHERE NAME = '<dbname>'

    --WHERE NAME like '%<partial dbname>%'


    -- Genereate a Datetime table between StartDT and EndDT with x minute Resolution


    set @dt = @StartDT

    WHILE @dt < @EndDT


    insert into @Minutes (DT) values(@DT)

    set @dt= dateadd(mi, @resolution, @dt)



    -- Create a timeline table by crossjoining the Datetime and Jobnames tables


    select DT, JobName, 0 as Active

    into #Timeline

    from @Minutes cross join @JobNames


    -- Create the Job Runtime information table


    select replace(name, ' ', '.') as name --Replace spaces (they are invalid in XML based pivot lower in the code)



    ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) as SDT

    ,dateadd( s,

    ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,

    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120)

    ) as EDT

    --,CAST(STUFF(STUFF(REPLACE(STR(run_duration, 6), ' ', '0'), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') AS time(0)) AS Duration

    ,((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 DurationSeconds

    into #JobRuntime

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs job

    left JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory his

    ON his.job_id = job.job_id

    where CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) between @StartDT and @EndDT

    and job.name not in ('Database Mirroring Monitor Job', '<dbname>')

    and step_id = 0 -- step_id = 0 is the entrite job, step_id > 0 is actual step number

    --and ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > 1 -- Ignore trivial runtimes

    order by SDT


    -- Update the Timeline based on the the Job Runtime information table


    update #Timeline

    set Active = 1

    from #Timeline inner join #JobRuntime

    on JobName = Name

    and (

    SDT between dt and dateadd(mi, @resolution - 1, DT) -- Start point (added for Resolution support)


    EDT between dt and dateadd(mi, @resolution, DT) -- End point (added for Resolution support)


    DT between SDT and EDT



    -- Delete all jobs from the Timeline that that had no activity


    if @RemoveNonactiveJobs = 1


    from #Timeline

    where JobName in ( select Jobname

    from #Timeline

    group by Jobname

    having sum(active) = 0 )


    -- Build and Pivot the Timeline table


    create table #Pivot (DT varchar(250) null, Name varchar(250) null, Active int null)

    -- col1 = row, col2 = column, col3 = data

    insert into #Pivot

    select convert(varchar(250), DT, 120), JobName, Active

    from #Timeline


    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @TaskName nvarchar(100)


    CREATE TABLE #tblTLine (

    [DT] varchar(200)


    CREATE TABLE #tblTasks (

    [Tasks] varchar(200)


    INSERT INTO #tblTasks (



    select DISTINCT


    from #Pivot

    INSERT INTO #tblTLine (



    select DISTINCT


    from #Pivot


    --WHERE Active = 1

    -- Build Table


    select DISTINCT


    from #tblTasks

    OPEN cur

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @TaskName



    SET @SQL = 'ALTER TABLE #tblTLine ADD [' + @TaskName + '] nchar(1) NULL'

    EXEC (@SQL)

    SET @SQL = ''

    SET @SQL = 'UPDATE #tblTLine SET [' + @TaskName + '] = ''0'''

    EXEC (@SQL)

    FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @TaskName


    CLOSE cur


    -- Update Table

    DECLARE @SQLUpdate nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @Time nvarchar(100)

    DECLARE @Name nvarchar(100)

    DECLARE @Active nchar(1)






    FROM #Pivot

    WHERE Active = 1

    OPEN curUpdate

    FETCH NEXT FROM curUpdate INTO @Time, @Name, @Active



    SET @SQLUpdate = 'UPDATE #tblTLine SET [' + @Name + '] = ''1'' WHERE [DT] = ''' + @Time + ''''

    EXEC (@SQLUpdate)

    FETCH NEXT FROM curUpdate INTO @Time, @Name, @Active


    CLOSE curUpdate

    DEALLOCATE curUpdate



    -- Output the Timeline table


    SELECT * FROM #tblTLine


    -- Cleanup


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Timeline') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Timeline;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobRuntime;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pivot') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Pivot;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblTLine') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblTLine;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblTasks') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblTasks;

  • Thanks ryanwooster1980 😀

    It will be much appreciated by the poor sods that still have to maintain SQL2000 databases.

    I for one still have 2 old boxes that were virtualized because the hardware was getting really unreliable.

  • yeah I have 2 PRODUCTION db's still running this version of SQL server...I have further altered the script to make it a dynamic SP and have set the spreadsheet up to be refreshable so i just pass the server in and hey presto, easy real time checking 🙂

  • Love this script and the excel template. Thanks.:-)

    I have modified the line below by adding @@servername. This gives me a clearer picture on which SQL instance the report was run.


    SELECT col1 as DT,' + @cols + N'


    SELECT col1 as '+@@SERVERNAME+'_DT,' + @cols + N'

  • Very Nice with some useful tweaks in the thread.


  • This looks like it's going to be fun. Thanks.

  • Can I recommend that you add a SQL tab to the spreadsheet and include the notes with it?

    412-977-3526 call/text

  • I love it.... and coincidentally I was working in the same problem but from a Powershell angle. Now I don't have to.

    BTW... why do you have this:

    your your WHERE statement:

    and job.name not in ('Database Mirroring Monitor Job', '<dbname>')

    Is that left over from testing?

  • argg... that's supposed to be <dbname>

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