SQL Job to zip backup files with InfoZip

  • I am trying to create a SQL Server job that zips my backup files using InfoZip.  I have created a one line command that works fine when typed from the command line, however it will not work within the SQL Server job.  This is the command I'm using which states the destination and source.  These files are also located on a different server compared to the SQL Server application.  I have defined a environmental variable for the path which is okay and filled out each job category correctly (to include picking OS not TSQL), but I still get these error messages within SQL Server.  Can any one help please?

    Command is:

    zip \\epen?\bac\user\bkups.zip  \\epen?\bac\user\*.bak


    zip warning: name not matched: \\epen?\bac\user\*.bak

    (zip error: Nothing to do! \\epen?\bac\user\bkups.zip).  Process Exit Code 12.  The step failed.

  • make sure the account that starts the SQLSERVERAGENT service has access to \\epen?\bac\user

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