SQL Jobs

  • I have created a shared schedule called DailySchedule to run at 4am everymorning.

    I have set one report to execute using this schedule and it's history to be created by the same Schedule. And to keep 12 copies of the history

    When I checked my history the report had run 12 times once every second after 4am.

    When I checked the SQL Jobs inside SQL Server 2000 the shared Schedule had been created once for each day the daily schedule ran.  So after 12 days i had 12 DailySchedules under SQL Jobs. Each of these SQL scheduled jobs were running this report one after an other hence the 12 copies of the history each day.

    Can any one tell me why this is happening ?


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Sorry, but i dont think that this is an reporting services issue.  maybe that is why nobody has responded?  why don't you try moving this question to another forum to see if you get resolution??

  • I have worked out the problem

    The DBA administrator didn't like Reporting services giving the SQL scheduled jobs in SQL Enterprise Manager these long meaningliess numbers.

    So he set up a job that would name the SQL job the same as the Reporting service schedule. This job ran once each night.

    He created a stored procedured that join the reporting servers schedule table with the SQL server system table which holds the SQL Scheduled jobs. And then updated the job name

    However, reporting services did like this. And each day when it couldn't find the long meaningliess name it recreated a new SQL Job Schedule. After a few days i had one schedule for each passing day and all ran the same report each night.

    Have deleted all the renamed jobs and just kept the ones with the long name created by SQL reporting.

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