SQL Joins

  • Hi , I have 2 tables [PremiumAmount] and [ClaimAmount]. The columns are very similar for both the tables.











    1 Customer can have any number of plans (max 3).

    [PremiumAmount] stores the premium recieved from a customer for a plan and for the resopective month. Not all Customers pay premium correctly, however they are pay it in the next month with some fine. The [ClaimAmount] stpres the Claim's recieved from Physicians for each month for the respective customer and plan. The Physicians do not Claim money for all the customers and plans every month.

    I need to write an SQL to get the total PremiumPaind, ClaimedAmount, for a respective customer and Plan and for the respective month.

    This is the query I write but it does not seem to work correct.

    select a.CustomerID, a.PlanID, b.ClaimAmount, a.PremiumAmount from PremiumAmount a

    left outer join ClaimAmount b ON (a.CustomerID = b.CustomerID and a.PlanID = b.PlanID AND b.ClaimDate = a.PremiumPaidDate)

    order by CustomerID, PlanID

    Can someone help me out.

    Let me know if you need a sample data.

    Thank you,

    Ashok Jebaraj

  • Can you provide any sample data? It would make things easier for the both of us and would provide a more timely solution to your problem.



  • Hi there,

    it looks like the data may not be coming back because you are using a date in your join

    left outer join ClaimAmount b ON (a.CustomerID = b.CustomerID and a.PlanID = b.PlanID AND b.ClaimDate = a.PremiumPaidDate)

    your basically saying

    left outer join ClaimAmount b ON (123= 123 and 456= 456 AND '01/01/2008 00:00:00'= '01/01/2008 01:00:00')

    I'm assuming that claimDate and PremiumPaidDate are true date times, if so unless the values match (including times) then you wont be able to make the join, you could remove them from the join, use greater or less (i.e claimdate > premiumpaiddate, or the you could cast/convert them to remove any times, this would return them (if the date are equal).

  • if you're willing to use temp tables, a union would make this very easy. assuming ClaimDate and PremiumPaidDate are smalldatetimes and ClaimAmount and PremiumAmount are both the same numeric datatypes, this should get you started:

    select CustomerID, PlanID, convert( char(7), ClaimDate, 20 ) as YearMonth,

    ClaimAmount, ClaimAmount * 0 as PremiumAmount

    into #cp

    from ClaimAmount

    -- add any criteria here


    select CustomerID, PlanID, convert( char(7), PermiumPaidDate, 20 ) as YearMonth,

    PremiumAmount * 0 as ClaimAmount, PremiumAmount from PremiumAmount

    -- repeat the criteria here

    select CustomerID, PlanID, YearMonth,

    sum(ClaimAmount) as ClaimAmount, sum(PremiumAmount) as PremiumTotal

    from #cp

    group by CustomerID, PlanID, YearMonth

    Note that YearMonth is output in YYYY-MM format.

  • Hello Thank you for your replies,

    here is the sample data. The spread sheet contains the expected results also.

    Thank you,

    Ashok Jebaraj

  • Hello,

    this works. I can manage to use temp tables.

    Thank you,

    Ashok Jebaraj

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