SQL Licensing - what constitutes a CAL?

  • I have a SQL Server on a VPS with 5 CALs. This server runs a Production DB accessed by a Web Server and a Development DB.

    2-3 developers are accessing the server, mostly the Develeopment DB. Sometimes the Web Server cannot get a connection to DB.

    My questions:

    when I am connected to SQL server via MS Visual Studio and SQL Management Studio with the same credentials - am I using one or 2 CALs?

    How to monitor CALs pool? Is the number of connections in the Profiler equal to the number of used CALs? Does the Profiler consume a CAL?

    Thanks, Phil

  • Note: see link at bottom of post.

    There are two types of CALs: Machine and User.

    A Device CAL licenses a single workstation/phone/etc. from which multiple users may interactively log in and consume data from any number of SQL Servers in the same physical network with the same level of Server CAL. There is no restriction as to the number of simultaneous connections from that device.

    A User CAL licenses a single user to consume data from any number of SQL Servers in the same physical network with the same level of Server CAL, using any number of devices (workstation, smartphone, etc.). There is no restriction as to the number of active connections to each server that user may hold.

    Key points:

    That Web server is only legally licensed in the Server+CAL model if the users consuming data from that server are interactively logged in to the console on that machine/VM. Separate users connecting to the web server using a web browser or other application from another computer each need their own user CAL, even if they only connect once, even if they do not connect simultaneously. If 1,000 users separately hit that web site, you need 1,000 user CALs, plus a device CAL for the web server. (see the 'multiplexing' topic in the licensing FAQ on Microsoft's SQL Server website)

    Unless this is for an internal application with a known quantity of end users, the per-processor model is generally cheaper than purchasing a separate CAL for every visitor to your website.

    You are not licensing direct connections or simultaneous connections under the Server + CAL model.

    when I am connected to SQL server via MS Visual Studio and SQL Management Studio with the same credentials - am I using one or 2 CALs?

    If both are running on the same computer, then you have claimed either 1 User CAL or 1 Device CAL.

    If you are experiencing connection problems, then you should troubleshoot them using traditional connection problem resolution (is the connection string OK, are there any network/firewall issues, are the account credentials correct, has the account been granted access to the server and database, etc.)

    Please post the specific error message and number you are getting you are getting on the client(s). That gives us something to go on here.

    On the following page:


    ...there is a link entitled 'Download the SQL Server 2008 Licensing Overview'.

    This document applied to SQL Server 2005 as well.


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Eddi, thank you very much for your comprehensive answer - which begs for a couple more questions:

    1. I followed your link to MS Licensing Guide. Is it a) just me so stupid OR b) it is really perplexing and confusing?

    2. With CAL Licensing - is it legalistic or technological? In other words: if I am not fully compliant - a) I am risking fines while using SS OR b) a SQL Server will reject connections?

    3. The SQL Server in question belongs to a major hosting provider, it is a component of a Virtual Private Server and comes with 5 CALs (type is not specified). I am paying a monthly subscription fee for SS. The SS is accessed by a Web Server (IIS) running on the same machine and occasionally by developers from outside. If the answer to the above question is a) - legalistic - I'd rather not be bothered at all passing this trouble to the Host. Right?

    4. With SS serving queries from a globally accessible Web Server - does not SS deal with one client (IIS User)? How can one issue CALs to Internet users?

    5. I believe my scenario is the most basic. What is the typical solution?

    Sorry for being such a bore.



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