SQL Linked server error

  • I noticed through the sql logs that named pipes was being used instead of tcpip. I had tcpip enabled but it was giving a listener error. I found a microsoft document that said that I had to add a key to the registry. That fixed my issue. I can't remember the key name. It was buried in the registry and I cannot find the doc again. I will keep looking and if I find it, I will post it.



  • I want to thank Alex Diaz for coming up with the solution. Here are the steps I took to resolve the problem.

    1. Configure a client alias via Configuration Manager. This requires the listener port, which takes care of the issue with Named Pipe connection resolution.

    2. EXEC sp_addlinkedserver '<Server Name>', N'SQL Server'


    3. exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = '<Server Name>',@useself = 'false',

    @rmtuser = '<User Name>', @rmtpassword = '<User Password>'


    Hope this helps anyone else that may be fighting this battle.

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