SQL.log file growing rapidly C:\Users\sqlaccount\AppData\Local\Temp

  • Hi Guys,

    On the development server I noticed a file called SQL in C:\Users\sqlaccount\AppData\Local\Temp that has grown up to 10GB. The only way to get rid of it is to stop SQL Agent and delete file, but when i restart the agent the file is created again. It takes over a month to grow up to 10gb.

    I can confirm the SQL Agent ERROR log file is pointing to a different drive.

    Message in SQL log file

    SQLAGENT 520-344 EXIT SQLGetDiagFieldW with return code 100 (SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)


    SQLHANDLE 0x00000000002D6740



    SQLPOINTER 0x000000001CFC871C


    SQLSMALLINT * 0x0000000000000000

    Any ideas what this is ?

  • suggest could be a trace file of some type - nothing on my systems like this, but I do have temp env vars set to a different drive.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • \AppData\Local\Temp is used by ACE drivers from the SQL instance (Providers in SSMS).

    Are you using OPENROWSET or linked servers ? SSIS packages or SPs who load data with OPENROWSET ?

    If Yes, you have your answer !

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