SQL Mail and Yukon, what do you want to see...

  • - Are you using SQL Mail now?

    - Have you used SQL Mail in the past?

    - Do you have ideas, suggestions, or wishes for a new SQL Mail solution?

    If your answer is "yes", then Microsoft SQL Server Team needs your help.


    The Microsoft SQL Server Tools team is building a new e-mail subsystem and

    we need your help to make it the best. We need your feedback to ensure the

    new system will meet all your needs. Please take a minute to fill out this

    survey. You can launch the survey from


    Thanks in advance for your time and help.

    Microsoft SQL Server Tools Team

  • Yes, yes, yes.

    1.allow HTML formatting.

    2.use SMTP

    3.Don't require Outlook or build in a MAPI client to the product.

    4.Allow multiple email addresses to send from, authentication could be included in the send command. Nice for reporting or non-alert items.

    5.Remove the "read" mail capabilty. People use it, but it's a huge security risk and not worth it. Force people to use Qing or some better messaging system.

    Steve Jones



    The Best of SQL Server Central.com 2002 - http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/bestof/


  • Yes, Yes, Yes

    1. Should not be dependant on Outlook or MAPI components like Microsoft Exchange profile etc. Should be able to use POP3 or SMTP mail services to send mails.

    2. Should allow easy sending of mails using HTML formatting.

    3. Better documentation for the newbees.


    Santosh Tiwari

    Santosh Tiwari
    Mumbai - INDIA

  • Yes, Yes, Yes

    1. Should not be dependant on Outlook or MAPI components like Microsoft Exchange profile etc. Should be able to use POP3 or SMTP mail services to send mails.

    2. should have a better interface to the used mail service, so management from within sqlserver is possible.

    3. Usable in a clustered sqlserver environment !!! (without the current issue it gests stuck after a while and the SERVER needs a reboot to get it to work again)


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  • Yes, I have used SQL Mail for years.

    I am working on a project at a client's site, and they use Lotus Notes. Please either provide a way to use Notes, or just the local SMTP service on the SQL Server.

  • I think users should have the option of client or service type to use. However incoming needs to have virus scanning intgrated so any product can perform. Maybe a block with allow listing to prevent spam or other items causeing interferance.

  • Everyone, please make sure you fill out the survey in addition to comments posted here.



  • Yes, Yes, Yes

    1. Fix the hanging of SQL Mail on Clusters and need to reboot if this happens, make

    MAPI32.DLL cluster aware

    2. Integrate mail and notifications more deeply. Allow scanning of errorlog and event viewer for error/message pickup automatically.

    3. Instead of just triggering mail based on an error or a performance threshold, build in the ability to have dependencies and blackout periods. ie: If this job fails any other time besides Sat. at 3am-6am send mail, otherwise don't or If these 2 jobs fail, only then send mail, without programming.

    4. Create a hook inside EM to get a history of mail sent, delivered and read via tracking. This would allow DBAs a better perspective on what mail is sent and recieved by users.

    5. Integrate into SQL mail the use of Office *.oft templates. These can be used dynamically for planned downtimes, maintenance periods and

    any other pre-defined activity.

  • 1. SMTP with no dependency on LDAP

  • Yes, Yes, Yes

    1.) SMTP and/or just be able to load MAPI Dlls, not the entire OutLook client

    2.) e-mail templates

    3.) multiple e-mail recipients or ability to keep and store groups in SQL.

    4.) Make it supported in a clustered environment.


  • I have generally the same gripes as everyone else. The only thing I mentioned I haven't seen listed here already is that I'd like the ability to send notifications from Agent on failed job steps as opposed to only on entire job failures. I also stressed my dis-trust for any sort of Outlook/Exchange relationship and also my dislike of having to install Office apps on my database servers.

    I use my own custom lightweight cdo/smtp solution for my employer. Other than providing an interface for maintaining messages, raiseerrors, and agent message recipients I don't see the need for any clunky overhead or Mail Service per se. Maybe if SQL Server provided its own SMTP server that could better throttle server resources than the SMTP service included with Windows I could understand needing a service to manage messaging - hrm, I didn't mention that one.


  • I agree, here are couple other suggestions:

    1. Ability to monitor SQL Mail Status (WMI) -- Up/Down, perhaps a MOM script

    2. Run SQL Mail as seperate service, currently I have to restart SQL Agent to resolve SQL Agent Mail issues

  • I looked to fill out the survey, but it is no longer there.

    I agree with what other have said on mail. When will they ask about the way Agent handles Jobs/Job Steps? That's what I want to see changed.


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