SQL Mail on SQL2005 not working

  • Here's the intended work scheme:

    An e-mail arrives in an Exchange mail box. SQL needs to read this and parse the information within, saving it in a database.

    After that, it needs to send out a notification e-mail to one or a number of users, depending on the information processed.

    I had this working before on a SQL2000 server, but can't get it to work on a SQL2005 server.

    Here's the setup:

    SQL2005 Standard edition

    Windows2K3 server and domain controller

    Exchange2003 configured and working

    All latest service packs and patches installes afaik

    MSSQLSERVER and SQLAGENT running as a domain user idegm\sqlserver

    Outlook2007 installed and confirmed working sending and receiving e-mails for user idegm\sqlserver

    SQLAGENT has been restarted and the Server machine has been restarted since configuring the e-mail account.

    Logged into the server as Administrator

    Under Management - Legacy - SQL Mail - Properties I get the following error:

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Cannot show requested dialog.



    If a stored procedure could not be found, SQL Mail may not be installed in the instance. (SqlManagerUI)


    xp_get_mapi_profiles: Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 17930)

    For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.1406&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=17930&LinkId=20476





    :w00t: Have been (re)searching this issue for a day and a half now. Can anyone help? Please?

    Because of the reading of e-mails, Database Mail is not an option (it only sends, right?)

    Any other solutions, tips to get the job done are also welcome!

    Cees Cappelle

  • Fist, ensure SQLMail is enabled using the sql server surface area configuration tool.

    Next, be sure you have an outlook client installed and working on the server.

    Log into the server using idegm\sqlserver and setup the outlook profile and ensure you can send mail through it.

    After that, see if you can get the configuration options in SSMS

  • Tnx, I did all that. After a reset or 4, I CAN get to the SQL Mail properties. However, if I try a Test it hangs. I started the server with sqlservr -c (console option) and the xp_startmail gave me error 0x8004111. Been trying to resolve this one, but no luck so far.

  • I had a similar problem, after a bit of investigation by be network/windows teams found out that the IP address of your server where SQL is installed may need enabling... Not sure exactly what they did but I suspect they added the IP address to an excepions log or enabled the IP address someway, but since then it works fine for me.

    Hope this helps...

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