SQL process Blocking problme

  • Anyone can help me on this ...

    I notice that, SQL server process always have a blocking problem and caused the timeout error and system slow down. May I know how to avoid process blocking problem in SQL?

    Thanks in advance .

  • Review the process that are specifically causing the blocking. You have to determine what needs to be fixed. Could be adding indexes, rewriting queries, or maintainence on a db. But to fully understand your problem you will need to be more descriptive.

  • To find out what causes blocking to the process with id 123, execute

    sp_who2 123

    You'll see BlkBy column with a dot (meaning no blocking) or a number indicating another process ID. That process is blocking your process 123. Use sp_lock to find out what tables are blocked by the given process. Optimize your queries and reduce transaction time to avoid locking and blocking.

  • Thank for you reply.

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