sql query help

  • There are few products in my table all products will have levels

    Productid product name level

    1 abc cfa

    2 cdf cpa

    3 sd ppp

    4 dd perl

    5 ff Cfah

    6 fg Cfag

    7 hj Cfat

    8 kl Cfay

    9 mn Cfar

    10 op Cfaf

    11 qr Cfa4

    If any body ordered more than two productid of same level is fraud and different level also fraud but

    If any body ordered cfa and cpa together it is not included


    Perl and any product it is also not included

    And cfar and cfa4 not included.

    I need to write query to produce the report plz help

    Help Appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Not sure that I fully understand your question, but this might help

    select *

    from Products P

    join Products P2 on P.ProductName = P2.ProductName

    and P.Level = P2.Level

    and P.ProductID != P2.ProductID

    where P.ProductName != 'Perl'

    and (not (P.ProductName = 'cfar' and P2.ProductName = 'cfa4'))

    and (not (P.ProductName = 'cfa4' and P2.ProductName = 'cfar'))

    and (not (P.ProductName = 'cfa' and P2.ProductName = 'cpa'))

    and (not (P.ProductName = 'cpa' and P2.ProductName = 'cfa'))

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