SQL Response Review - New SQL Server Monitoring Tool

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL Response Review - New SQL Server Monitoring Tool

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Given this guy a quick run. I think it's a great product. I've been using SQL Nexus over the last fortnight as well, and am thinking that you'd benefit from using both products (especially since Nexus is free) to keep a good overall view of server health. For example, there are a few key counters missing from the Performance snapshot on SQL Response, such as Page Life Expectancy, Memory Grants Pending, Plan cache hit ratio etc.

    I especially loved (possibly because we have a small bumber of servers) how quick and easy it was to setup, as I recently found also with SQL Backup. Microsoft would do well to pay attention to RedGate's UI designs.

    Very impressed with Response, but as always with a first release there's room for improvement.

  • Good Article...

  • My RC trial has 5 days remaining 🙂

    I liked the product too, well enough to do a survey with Clair and David

    The price tag did surprise me a bit, because $500 a server, for a Development of 10 servers it'll be $5000

    For a small company it'll be hard to take, but good thing is normally people don't monitor in house SQL Servers

    For production, it may be very well worth the price to have that almost-instant alerts

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • Jerry Hung (10/9/2008)

    My RC trial has 5 days remaining 🙂

    I liked the product too, well enough to do a survey with Clair and David

    The price tag did surprise me a bit, because $500 a server, for a Development of 10 servers it'll be $5000

    For a small company it'll be hard to take, but good thing is normally people don't monitor in house SQL Servers

    For production, it may be very well worth the price to have that almost-instant alerts

    Agreed, for development that's pricey. But for production, if you're a small shop it's a better price than the big monitoring tools which are $500-$800 a server CAL (not including the console license).

    K. Brian Kelley

  • you may well find you can get reduced prices for non-production servers; don't quote me though...

  • any idea about the refresh rate of the application to provide real time info?


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