sql script

  • could you plz tell me the SQL script to display the database names and logins for all databases on a particular server

  • SQL2K

    use master


    select name from sysdatabases

    select name from syslogins


    use master


    select name from sys.databases

    select name from sys.server_principals where type in ('U', 'S')

    On the 2K5 you will get only sql and windows logins, not groups or roles.

  • for SQL Server 2005

    create table #DBUSERS


    DBNAME varchar(50),

    USERNAME varchar(50),

    MEMBERNAME varchar(50),

    OBJECTNAME varchar(100),

    PERMGRANTED varchar(200),

    PERMDENIED varchar(50),

    COLUMNPERM varchar(10)


    declare @cmd nvarchar(4000)

    declare @cmd1 nvarchar(4000)

    set @cmd =


    select s.name,



    from ?.sys.sysusers a, ?.sys.sysusers b, ?.sys.sysmembers c,master.sys.sysdatabases s

    where a.uid = c.memberuid and c.groupuid = b.uid and s.name like ''?'''

    set @cmd1 =


    select s.name,a.name,c.name,b.actadd,b.actmod,

    case when


    b.seladd is not null or

    b.selmod is not null or

    b.updadd is not null or

    b.updmod is not null or

    b.refadd is not null or

    b.refmod is not null


    then ''Y''

    else ''N''


    from ?.sys.sysusers a, ?.sys.syspermissions b, ?.sys.sysobjects c,master.sys.sysdatabases s

    where a.uid = b.grantee

    and b.[id] = c.[id] and b.grantee <> 0

    and s.name like ''?'''

    print @cmd1

    exec sp_MSforeachdb @command1 = @cmd,@command2 = @cmd1

    select distinct USERNAME,DBNAME,MEMBERNAME from #DBUSERS order by 2

    drop table #DBUSERS

    SQL DBA.

  • http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Security/61678/

    This talk about security and will give you everything you need.

  • I need like loginname instead of member name

    I changed the membername to loginname? but the query result giving me NULL in col loginname.

    could you plz help me


  • You just want all the databases, and all the server logins?

    SELECT * FROM sys.databases

    SELECT * FROM sys.syslogins

  • hey garry this is rag...add me to the buddy list and msg me when needed i shall try if poss...


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