SQL script to oracle

  • Does anyone know of any methods in which you can convert a sql script (create table) into oracle syntax?

    I am looking at replicating a few tables accross to Oracle and the replication fails trying to create the table, but doing them manually means going through each table and converting it manually, i was just hoping there was an easier method



  • I have used Export Import Data utility which comes along with MSSQL and it works fine.

  • Depends how much it's worth to you, John. There is a product called SwisSQL (http://www.swissql.com/products/sql-translator/sql-converter.html) that will do what you want. It's shareware, but full license is just shy of $400, so might not be worth it for just a few tables. However, if it's a regular thing, it may well be something to look at. I've not used it, so can't vouch for its accuracy personally.

    Semper in excretia, sumus solum profundum variat

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