SQL Select statement


    C.containerCode + ':' + C.containerName as display,

    C.containerCode AS code

    FROM Containers C

    INNER JOIN ContainersTypes CT ON

    CT.containerTypeSqlId = C.containerTypeSqlId AND

    CT.containerTypeIncId = C.containerTypeIncId

    WHERE C.isDeleted = 0

    ORDER BY display


    I have a query like this for populating a report parameter combo box in my SRRS report. But when the

    C.containerName in the ‘display’ column is NULL, the ‘display’ column returns a NULL value.

    Also the ‘display’column values with NULL will come first in the result set instead of the result ordering by display column.

    How can I avoid this?

  • If you concatenate strings together and one of them contains NULL then the result will always be NULL (unless you've played with the default CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL setting).

    Have a look at ISNULL, to replace a NULL value with something more useful.

    Steve Hall
    Blog Site

  • First question to pose is: Shoud that column have nulls ?

    Second question to pose is: wouldn't a default empty varchar do the same trick ? If so modify the data model so the column is Not-Nullable and put an empty string in all occurences that are nulled.

    If you cannot avoid NULLs, your applications will have to deal with that every time !

    your TSQL options are

    Isnull( yourcolumn, 'replacementvalue' )

    Isnull( yourcolumn, othercolumn ) -- <-- may still return NULL if othercolumn is also nullable

    Coalesce( yourcolumn, othercolumn, ..., 'replacementvalue')

    check books online for details !

    When using concatenation, keep in mind you also need to translate the columns to a common data type.


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  • Thanks everyone for the replies..

    I changed my script like this:


    ISNULL(C.containerCode, '') + ':' + ISNULL(C.containerName, '') as display,

    C.containerCode AS code

    FROM Containers C

    INNER JOIN ContainersTypes CT ON

    CT.containerTypeSqlId = C.containerTypeSqlId AND

    CT.containerTypeIncId = C.containerTypeIncId

    WHERE C.isDeleted = 0

    ORDER BY display

  • ---- will return zzz for null and blank values if your data is varchar it will send it to the bottom of the list change to numerical values if that is more feasible

    --- of course you can change zzz to any value that works for you and it keeps the fields from being blank I know this post is over a month old but thought it may help someone else


    isnull(nullif(C.containerCode,''),'zzz') + ':' + isnull(nullif(C.containerName,''),'zzz') as display,

    C.containerCode AS code

    FROM Containers C

    INNER JOIN ContainersTypes CT ON

    CT.containerTypeSqlId = C.containerTypeSqlId AND

    CT.containerTypeIncId = C.containerTypeIncId

    WHERE C.isDeleted = 0

    ORDER BY display

  • Thanks for the post. Nullif is new to me.

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