SQL Server

  • Recently, after spending sometime with a work colleague, it was intriguing to see Linux in action and my first instict was, "Boy, it would be nice if SQL Server ran on this". Most other vendors (e.g. Oracle) have long provided support for non-Windows operating systems and maybe now would be the time for Microsoft to consider this strategic change.

    I am very curious how the SQL Server community feels about this?


    Phillip Cox

  • SQL Server runs fine with windows and why need to support other OS. I read in a recent article the MS software has the least number of vulnerabilities and now since MS has also improved the server performance i don't see it to be with other OS.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Hi,

    Ok, this makes good sense, but what about the organizations that decide to go with a non-Microsoft operating system? This means, SQL Server wouldn't be able to compete with products such as Oracle or DB2 on non-Windows platforms and would slow down the penetration into these markets?

    Reason I ask this question is, I am seeing a fairly large companies starting to "think" about other non-Microsoft operating systems and just thought, SQL Server should be multi-platform to align with possible future challenges.

    What are your thoughts?


    Phillip Cox

    MCITP - DBAdmin

  • I doubt it will ever happen. SQL Server has MANY platform specific features that rely upon things that can be done in Windows and not in other environments. The .net framework upon which the tools are based and is increasing being integrated into the engine is still mostly a Windows animal although the mono project is making strides in that area. Security models (active-directory integrated), etc are different...

    If it did ever happen then it would be like Office for Windows vs Office for Mac. They are never released at the same time and, with each new release, one platform leapfrogs the other with some of the available features. You'd end up coding to the lowest denominator anyway.

    I see your point but for Microsoft to put SQL Server on Linux (which distro? There wouldn't be source code available to compile with gcc 😀 ) it would be similar to AMD helping Intel improve its chipsets for motherboards using Pentium processors... It just wouldn't happen as it would hurt the core business (AMD with CPUs or Microsoft with Windows).

    And... In our market no one runs Linux 🙂 I'd rather Microsoft put R&D into making SQL better rather than porting it and, since I'm not too handy with Linux at the moment, I'd rather to not have to learn about it. I'm happy with my head in the sand 😀

  • SQL Server used to run on other processors, but I'm not sure there was a great advantage.

    If it ran on Linux, then there are definitely other places it might be installed, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort. Easier to install a single Windows machine to run the database. We do that now the other way, installing a single Linux machine at times to run some app.

    I think people are getting less concerned about the platform and more concerned about the features and functions. Also it seems there are less and less homogeneous environments.

  • I have worked both with ORACLE and with SQL Server, and I must say, my user experience with ORACLE has been abysmal. I have no beef with the database engine itself - it's rock solid - but the peripheral client utilities, such as SQL*Plus, are a thing from the dark ages! I have been frustrated with some of the newer tools too. The ORACLE 10g Database Control is built as a web app (!!) with terrible response times and just a substandard quality in terms of interface and ease of use.

    In contrast, SQL Server client tools are, in my view, superior in design and user friendliness, and this is where I feel SQL Server is slowly gaining ground relative to other RDBMSs.

    I suspect part of the reason for the apparent limitations of ORACLE utlities is ORACLE's cross-platform availability. It is hard to come up with high quality client apps compatible with multiple diverse platforms. The price you pay for that is a lower-quality product that caters to the lowest common denominator.

    So I would also vote no to cross-platform availability and yes to more and improved SQL Server features on Windows only.

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