SQL Server 2000 ENT/STD Editions combination - Logshipping

  • Hi Gurus!!!

    We are trying to implement logshipping to one of our prod server.

    Can we have Primary Prod server running SQL Server 2000 ENT edition and backup server running SQL Server 2000 STD Edition and do logshipping?

    When I checked books online, it says that we need to have SQL Server 2000 ENT editions on both machines. Is there any way we can do with ENT and STD Editions combination with some sort of script?

    Can anyone help on this? Please let me know if there is a script someone already has if the above combination will do...

    Thanks in Advance!!!


  • You can only run the Maintenance plan logshipping from Enterprise to Enterprise, that does not however stop you from running a manual logshipping deal. If you do a search on this site there are scripts to do just that.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Above is correct and log shipping isn't that hard to implement yourself. Basically run the backups, move them to server 2 and restore them in stnadby.

  • Is there any advantage implementing ENT Edition againist running the scripts to load the data (TRN Logs/Full Backups)?

    I heard somethere about having a monitor for log shipping. Not sure if this is for SQL Server. Can someone clarify....


  • There is a log shipping monitor, which is a nice little graphical display that tells you whether or not your logshipping is outside your specified deltas, however there are better ways to do that with scripts that will email when things get behind.

    If you are going to be running Enterprise Ed anyhow it is kinda nice to use MS logshipping, otherwise it's not worth the extra expense.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Thank You stacenic.

    We are already running ENT Edition on Production Server. We are trying to setup standby server to this using either ENT Edition OR STD Edition.

    Just a thought... We might as well prepare a little report in Reporting Services for the same functionality and refresh the data ont he intranet page every 30 mins....


  • Unless you have a site license or select licensing agreement or you will be using large amounts of memory I would not go with Ent Ed on the standby due to the cost involved.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • If memory serves me right, SQL Standard -used- to work as a [target] for log shipping out of the box.  I believe it stopped working after Service Pack 2.  I guess MS finally realized their mistake <grin>.

    I agree that it isn't hard to do log shipping manually/from scripts as long as you remember that the target database remains read only and able to apply T-Logs.  The "canned" log shipping with ENT is pretty handy for monitoring and notification if you have the luxury of ENT though...

    Best of luck,


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