• Is there a way in SQL 2000 to monitor database logs and then send email when they reach 70 % full. Thanks.

  • They don't get full. They grow with disk space.

  • Just create an Alert for SQL Performance Condition like:

    IF (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts WHERE name = N'YourDatabase Log > 70%'))

     ---- Delete the alert with the same name.

      EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_delete_alert @name = N'YourDatabase Log > 70%'


    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name = N'YourDatabase Log > 70%', @message_id = 0, @severity = 0, @enabled = 1, @delay_between_responses = 60, @performance_condition = N'SQLServeratabases|Percent Log Used|YourDatabase|>|70', @include_event_description_in = 5, @category_name = N'[Uncategorized]'


    and make sure you setup the email or page to an operator!



    * Noel

  • You can recycle the logs periodically by using sp_cycle_errorlog. But as Steve said, there is no way to restrict them to a certain size.

  • You can restrict the size of Transaction Log. Noeld answer is correct . Just to add you can use @job_id parameter to run a particular job if the event happens. Example to backup the log (with or with truncate_only).  


    Note: I am assuming you have less than 99 database



    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name = N'TransactionLOG Databasename 70 %',

     @message_id = 0, @severity = 0, @enabled = 1,

    @delay_between_responses = 60,

    @performance_condition = N'SQLServeratabases|Percent Log Used|Databasename|>|80',

    @include_event_description_in = 5, @category_name = N'[Uncategorized]'


  • Mate,


    You can use Perfmon, Select:

    Databases: Percentage Log used,

    you can set this against individual or all.

    Also try sp_spaceused it might hlp.

  • You could also use a stored procedure like the one below, with changes to fit your situation and schedule it to run periodically.

    create procedure dbo.sp_dumplog

    @dmpdevice varchar(80)


    declare @db varchar( 40)

    declare @name varchar(40)

    declare @dstat char(180)

    declare @seq varchar(14)

    declare @logmsg varchar(120)

    declare @mail_subj varchar(50)

    declare @mail_body varchar(240)

    declare @dmpname char(40)

    declare @error int

    declare @maxid int

    declare @minid int

    create table #dbrcvmode (

        DBN char(40),

        rcvmode varchar(20)


    declare @cur1 table (name varchar(50), tid int identity(1,1))

    insert into @cur1 (name)

    select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    select @maxid = max(tid), @minid = min(tid) from @cur1

    While (@minid <= @maxid)


      select @db = name from @cur1 where tid = @minid

      insert into #dbrcvmode (DBN, rcvmode)

      select @db, CONVERT( varchar(20), databasepropertyex(@db, 'Recovery'))


      set @minid = @minid + 1


    CREATE TABLE #logspace (

       DBName varchar( 100),

       LogSize float,

       PrcntUsed float,

       status int


    insert into #logspace

    exec ('dbcc sqlperf(logspace)')

    select @name= ' '

    select @dstat=' '

    declare @cur2 table (name varchar(50), tid int identity(1,1))

    insert into @cur2 (name)

       select a.DBName from

       #logspace a, #dbrcvmode b

       where a.DBName not in ('model','master','msdb','tempdb')

       and a.DBName = b.DBN and b.rcvmode = 'FULL'

       and a.PrcntUsed > 70

    select @maxid = max(tid), @minid = min(tid) from @cur2

    While (@minid <= @maxid)


      select @name = name from @cur2 where tid = @minid

      set @mail_subj =( 'Transaction Log dump results for database ' + @name)

      set @logmsg =( 'Log is over 70 percent full. Dumping the log for database ' + @name)

      select @seq = convert(char(8),getdate(), 112) +  

      right('0' + convert(varchar(2),datepart(hour,getdate())),2) +  

      right('0' + convert(varchar(2),datepart(minute,getdate())),2)  

      set @dstat =('backup log '  + rtrim(@name)+  ' to disk=''' +rtrim(@dmpdevice)+ '\' + rtrim(@name)+ '_tlog_' + rtrim(@seq) + '.TRN''')


      exec (@dstat)

      select @error = @@error  

         if @error = 0  


      set @mail_body=( rtrim(@logmsg) + ' - log dump successful!!')  

      execute dbo.sp_send_smtpmail

      @From = 'e-mail address',

      @To = 'e-mail address',

      @Subject = @mail_subj,

      @Body = @mail_body




       set @mail_body=( rtrim(@logmsg) + ' - log dump FAILED, check SQL Server and event logs for details!!')  

      execute dbo.sp_send_smtpmail

      @From = 'e-mail address',

      @To = 'e-mail address',

      @Subject = @mail_subj,

      @Body = @mail_body


         set @minid = @minid + 1

                                                          /* Dump Transaction Logs */


    drop table #dbrcvmode

    drop table #logspace


  • hello with your script i get the error:

    Procedure or function 'sp_dumplog' expects parameter '@dmpdevice', which was not supplied.

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