SQL Server 2000 - Trace IP Address for failed logins

  • Hi Everyone,

    I have an old database server running on SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

    Recently, I noticed multiple failed logins on the server. As the error log in SQL Server 2000 does not show the client IP, if there any method I could use to trace the client IP which is giving the failed login ?

    Appreciate your suggestions.

    Thank You !



  • If it is a Windows authenticated user that is getting failed login, it should write it to the event viewer security log.

    You could also run a trace for just failed logins and catch the IP and host name.


  • Hi Roy,

    Thanks for your suggestion however it seems like sql server 2000 does not provide the IP address information even in the SQL Server profiler.

    The connection is done via SQL Server Authentication.

    Well I'm still looking for ways to trace it.

    I'm always open to suggestions. = )

    Thank You !



  • Hi Roy !

    You are right, SQL Server profiler does provide the information. I did not select the hostname column when performing the trace.

    Thank You very much !



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