SQL Server 2005 Adoption Rates

  • Man, I can't believe that anybody would fork out that kind of cash for a survey about the adoption rate of SQL Server.  Let me take a guess...  Not too many people have moved to it yet, but lots will in the future.

    Do you think that management is actually influenced by the adoption rate of an upgrade (abeit a major one)?  The risks identified in this survey are the same as in any adoption of any other software.

    Gimme a break!

  • Lol - yeah, what that guy said! Results of a survey like this *might* be useful to pick out a few ideas I hadn't thought of for my memo to management on reasons for upgrading, but I'm not using my personal cash to buy this report, and management's not going to purchase a report for me to use to convince them to upgrade! Between SQLPass, Microsoft's site, Google, BOL 2005, and just using the product, I can gather all the info I need.

    John Scarborough

  • "if you think there's something you can use"

    The above sentence in the article has informed as indirectly whether to buy or not to buy the report.


    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • It all depends on how they ran their survey--who they asked (and of them who actually responded), what questions were asked, how the resulting data is glommed together... all tricky and intricate stuff that should be designed by trained and skilled professionals. Thre really isn't much on their website (following the link) to determine these who/what/why questions.

    Too, when I click to view their "free executive summary", all I get is a blank page, which I find somewhat less than impressive.



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