SQL Server 2005 and CA ERwin Data Modeler

  • We have received a recommendation to purchase the CA ERwin Data Modeler for our licences SQL Servers. Would like to know else have bought it and the purpose of it. Thanks:)

  • In one organization I worked at we compared ERwin with Sybases Power designer. Power Designer won hands down for useability...

    The are both database design tools ideally for doing database developments by the book, building logical models, moving them to physical, using them to size hardware purchase needs, and generating DDL to implement, plus all the bits in between. Including database documentation.

    Ideal also for reverse engineering and comparing databases, helping with issues in design.

    They can be used to highlight missing relationships, constraints indexes etc...

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • I have used ErWin and its a decent tool. But I have had issues with its abilities to successfully reverse engineer nad make database changes. In general I feel it is a decent tool and does the job of most database modeling tools. I think it is a little on the expensive side.

    A much cheaper alternative is the Embarcadero ERStudio tool. I think this tool is not as robust or polished as ERWin. However, for most peoples needs and for the price it usually is a decent tool.

    I suggest you download both and evaluate the demos.

  • Carolyn and DNC

    Thanks for your prompt reply 😉

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