SQL Server 2005 Express Collation and VS .NET Crystal Report Error

  • Hi all.

    I'm sort of newbie in sql server, so this messege could be complicated. I installed SQL Server Express edition with Advanced Services in order to use Reporting Services. Server Collation is GENERAL_CI_AS. During installation I received a message like "Your configuration does not meat minimum configuration required for this version (Advanced Services) of SQL Server 2005", so I installed Visual Studio .NET 2003 (to use Crystal Reports for reporting and printing data stored in SQL Server).

    My machine is:

    Gericom Hummer notebook, Intel x86 2.4GHz, 512 MB RAM,

    OS Windows XP Professional SP 2

    IIS 6.0

    Windows Installer 3.1

    .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0

    I created a new database named after my company IHTUS, with lots of relational tables. Cause I am from Serbia, I put the collation of a db to be CYRILLIC_CI_AS

    Among them is a table Books, with fields:

    BookID, int NOT NULL

    BookName varchar (100) NULL

    BookAuthor varchar (60) NULL

    BookPrice smallmoney NULL

    Then I started VS .NET 2003 and made a new project and Windows application. First I named opened form as frmMain, and decided it to be Startup Form in properties for project. I clicked on a project in solution window, and under property set this.

    Then I added new Crystal Report to project, named it rptBooks, with all fields from table Books. It was easy to follow the wizard.

    Then I added new form and put on it Crystal Report Viewer control, with Report Source for rptBooks on my Hard. I named a form frmShowBooks.

    On frmMain I put a button which I named cmdBooks, and text was Show Books. I double-clicked that button and for event OnClick I wrote following code:

    Dim Showing As New frmShowBooks


    I pressed F5 to start debugging and it worked. Only problem is that in Crystal Report instead of cyrilic characters I have a lots of ?????

    Please help me out

  • This a example for VS 2005 in C#, maybe this will resolve your issu.

    Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

    fclsReport frmReport = new fclsReport();

    frmReport.NewFormString = m_IncidentID;

    frmReport.GMSOmgeving = GMSOmgeving;

    frmReport.EmailAdres = EmailAdres;

    frmReport.PDFLocatie = PDFLocatie;

    frmReport.SluitRapportEmail = SluitRapportEmail;


    frmReport.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

    You need to create a new instance (object) before you can show the form correctly.

  • Well, I did manage to resolve my problem few days ago.

    Thanks anyway for you reply.

    Sincerelly yours Ivan Delic

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