SQL Server 2005 Log Shipping problem

  • Hi

    I am trying to set up log shipping for a database in development using SQL Server 2005.  I have scheduled transaction log backups to be done every 5 minutes. The strangest thing is happening when SQL Server 2005 is naming the transaction log backups. As you know, the date and time is part of the name of the transaction log backups. However, in this case, the time on the backup names is exactly one hour behind. So, if the backup happens at 19.00, the name of the transaction log is LSTesting_tlog_20060717180004.trn. I have checked the system time and that is correct. I have also generated transaction log backups via a maintenance plan and that also is correct. This problem only seems to be confined to the log shipping component as far as I can see.

    Any ideas would be much appreciated.


  • Enrico,

    What is your time zone? Could it be that it is ahead of GMT by 1 hour now? I am setting up the test log shipping and will see if my files are named with GMT time. It could be done on purpose so both servers could be on the same time even if they are in different time zones.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Thank you for the reply. I am glad you confirmed my suspicions. After this post yesterday, I began looking again and you are correct. At this moment my machines are on BST which is +1 hour GMT. I ran a 'SELECT GETUTCDATE()' and it gives the date and time that are being used to name the transaction log backup files. My restores seem to go ahead ok on the secondary server. Thinking about it, it is a good idea but I wish it had been documented somewhere.

    Many thanks for the info.

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