SQL SERVER 2005 (MSDE version)

  • Hello, I know the new free scaled down version of SQL 2005 (SQLExpress) can handle unlimated calls. Would it be possible to run this database as the database for an Internet site? Or do you still have to buy the expensive 1 processor license if you want to use data of your SQL database on a website?

    I am currently using access for my personal webistes, have more then 25 users at 1 moment sometimes and MySQL is not an option since I have bad experience with it.

    Thank you very much for your advice.

  • For the past several versions, the limitations in MSDE have been in concurrent execution of queries - what MS refers to as a "throttle" on performance.  I don't have specific knowledge of the new version, but unless they've changed the restrictions, it would probably work fine as a backend for reasonable amounts of data behind a website.  You're not trying to run Amazon here are you?


    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • I read an article yesterday that said the 2005 throttle was set to 5 concurrent queries, after that they get queued

  • hmm, that's bad news Bill. 🙁

  • Five concurrent queries is what it's been set to for seven years, since the first one came out (that I know of and still use) with SQL Server Version 7.  It's really not much of a limitation at all when you stop to think about how much "parallel tasking" a single processor can really do!

    I've had trouble (in testing) seeing much of any difference in performance between MSDE and the Full Enterprise Edition.  I'm talking Version 7 here.  In practice, we use the full licensed version for our production database for other reasons (full export import control, full replication, etc.) and just because if feels like the right thing to do.

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • This brings some insight. The comment of Bob makes sence. We are talking about milliseconds of delay probably for a specific user (if he/she is user 6, 7 or 20)? More the 5 concurrent connections get queued just for a short time, depending of your processor speed. (Please correct me if I am wrong) I never looked at it that way. Still I wonder if I will be able to make use of views with MSDE or SQLExpress, there is no Enterprise Manager in the desktop engine version.. but maybe that is stuff for another topic

  • i thought yukon has no workload gov anymore?




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