SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services setup error

  • Hi Everyone,

      I am trying to get a basic install of sql 2005 reporting services up and running.  Doing everything default works fine.  Now I am trying to move the virtual directories off of the default web site and onto a specific site with its own host headers.  I have finally gotten it to work as long as the default website is turned on with it ip set to (All Unassigned) and the two virtual directories are also under the default site.

    Here is the current error I am getting when I navigate to the report server website (not the default site) after having deleted the "ReportServer" virtual directory off of the default site.

    "The attempt to connect to the report server failed.  Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version."

    Here is the error I get if I turn the default site off:

    The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request.


    I forgot to mention that I am testing with reporting servicing running under a local admin account.  Also this is a completely fresh install of win2003 and sql2005, there is nothing else installed on the box as of yet.

  • I have exactly the same problem. I need two instances of Report Server (each one with its own web site). I am still trying to find a solution. Please let me know if you could advance on it.

  • This does seem to be a common problem with many people.  I don't need two instances so in that we are different.  Unfortunately something happened, still trying to figure out what, and my instance is no longer working at all.  I will post any finding I have here, please keep monitoring this thread and together perhaps we will work through our problems as well as making a good reference for others in the future.

  • Just an update.  I uninstalled and re-installed rs2005 and it is working again for the most part.  After it was installed the second time I found that the old upgraded database were still in place which was nice.  I did have to delete all the encryption information and regenerate it to get the install back online.  I deleted it through rs2005's GUI management console and regenerated it using the command line util rsconfig:

    rsconfig -c -s"servername" -d reportserver -a windows

    I am sure to turn off rs2005 and restart iis then turn rs2005 back on between each change to be sure nothing broke.

    Next I set the "execution account" to my domain aspnet account through the GUI.

    Next backed up the rs2005 encryption key with GUI.

    Then I removed the account, that rs2005 uses for the web which was in the local admin account, from the local admin group but they stayed in the local users group.  So I was back to the basic limited security.

    I next changed the windows security account to run under the limited domain aspnet account using the GUI.

    My next move was to move both virtual directories away from the default website to the one I choose.  However I did leave copies of the virtual directories on the default website and left the default website running.  This is because my last experience was that removing either or turning off the default site broke rs2005; therefore this will be the last project I tackle after everything else is working.

    In the next step I changed rs2005's DB connection to also run under my limited domain aspnet account using the GUI.

    I am now at this point in troubleshooting:


    Server A - sql2005 rs2005

    Server B - sql2000 rs2000

    Server C - sql2000

    I have discovered that I can connect to the sql2000 boxes just fine using sql authentication.  However, using windows authentication specifically with Server B I get the error:

    • An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

      • Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSourceName'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

        • For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

  • iis is set exclusively to windows authentication.  rs2005 is also set to windows authentication in its config file.  The same report runs on Server B with no problem using windows authentication.  I get the same error when a report on Server A tries to connect using windows authentication to a datasource on Server C.  This same report also works on Server B with windows authentication.  I am still working on a solution.
  • After some more testing I notice that I can navigate to the report on the local server using localhost and it works great.

    If I use the local server and and put in the host header such as http://www.mydomain.com/reports then I am presented with a login box which won't accept my domain credentials or the local admin credentials.

  • I found this link http://www.mathgv.com/sql2005docs/SQL2005ReportingServicesInstall.htm that may be useful for us.

  • Very nice, I think that will help when I try and turn off the default website.  I am still having problems with the windows authentication.  I think I have narrowed it down to kerberos.  Here are the links I am pooring over:



    http://support.microsoft.com/?id=215383 <-- I have already performed these instructions which are referenced in the first link I have listed.  I discovered that kerberos was turned on on my sql2000 and rs2000 server but not on the new one.  It is turned on now.  Seeing as we are running Active Directory I think the first article is going to be my solution (fingers crossed).

  • I discovered that on our old reporting server all the reports which accessed remote sql servers used sql authentication.  Because of the increase in network traffic that kerberos causes, we decided not to turn it on but rather to continue using sql authentication for remote servers.

    We were also having major speed issues with the new rs2005 installation but were able to significantly speed things up by running iis6 in iis5 isolation mode.  The gui only works to turn it off, it messes it up trying to enable it.  To correctly enable iis5 isolation mode C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml and search for the xml tag IIs5IsolationModeEnabled

    since we can't use iis6's application pools in this mode asp.net applications must be set to run under the domain account the old way.  Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CONFIG (the version number changes depending on which version of aspnet you are using but I found all the correct settings in v1 and copied them to v2) Search for:





    Not having the application pools is a big bummer since this is one thing that I was really looking forward to.  If anyone has any ideas on speeding the reporting services aspx site up without running it in iis5 isolation mode I would be happy to hear it.

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