SQL Server 2008 Installation Issues - Issues and Workarounds

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL Server 2008 Installation Issues - Issues and Workarounds

  • Just an FYI that may help those troubled by SQL2005-->2008R2 x64 upgrade.

    Ran into an issue recently upgrading MS SQL 2005 to 2008 R2 x64 on a MS Server 2003 R2 Std x64 SP2. Couldn't figure out issues around the following app related message:

    "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' The system cannot find the file specified."

    Eventually after some back and forth on google and stackoverflow we installed these in the following order and it solved the problem.

    SQL 2005 Feature Packs (64 bit)

    • sqlncli_x64.msi - 02/10/07 {061F210D-A57D-45A8-B93A-73A51FFD2819}

    • SQLServer2005_NS_x64.msi - 02/10/07 {7C1551DA-0003-4B79-B169-9312FAACC642}

    • SQLServer2005_XMO_x64.msi - 02/10/07 {4A1F4140-3848-4AAE-AD67-43CD340748B6}

    SQL 2008 Feature Packs (64 bit)

    • msxml6_x64.msi - 12/04/06 {6A3B8AE9-3F13-4302-A5AE-C51A0BA1592E}

    • sqlncli.msi - 09/17/10 {06C6C7E0-23E3-46BB-A6F9-4A5A65A3F6A3}

    • SQLSysClrTypes.msi - 09/17/10 {7D554282-F04F-4137-9E78-7958D6FCCC01}

    • SharedManagementObjects.msi - 09/17/10 {9B975EF9-C188-4F6F-8B0F-11D141B4D542}

    SQL 2008 R2 Feature Packs (64 bit)

    • msxml6-KB954459-enu-amd64.exe - 04/06/11 version 6.2.0029.0

    • sqlncli.msi - 04/04/10 {030FA491-C310-47EF-9D8E-552FB5537551}

    • SQLSysClrTypes.msi - 04/04/10 {7CA02314-2C0A-4A25-88B2-33FCF4561B91}

    • SharedManagementObjects.msi - 04/04/10 {D2852190-83DE-4AF3-A79B-4642206F0F70}

  • Thank you, econwatch - I, as well as the sql audience, appreciate sharing your experiences and solutions with upgrading.

    This was one issue that dogged me during an installation, and wanted to just share helpful information.

    I authored a second article with some additional installation issues and workarounds, that I believe will be published shortly.

    Never a shortage for issues - so all the more welcome everyone's experiences and resolutions.....


  • FYI, "alert(navigator.userAgent)" in the browser address bar did not work for me in IE 9.

    ... and the forum software happily deleted the 'j a v a s c r i p t :' from the post. Which, I suppose is a 'good thing'. 😀

    Steve G.

  • Also tested on IE9 and noticed the same thing.

    IE gets rid of the 'j a v a s c r i p t :' text.

    Just re-wrote it in front of "alert(navigator.userAgent)" FTW.

  • Hey, that works! Cool!

  • I do not wish to denigrate this article but am I the first one reading it thinking how absurd it is that so many hoops must be navigated to troubleshoot what appears to be an abject failure on the part of the software publisher to maintain some basic integrity in their product line?

    The problem here is that SQL Server 2008 installer erroneously states that 3.5 SP1 has not been installed when in fact it has already been installed.


    For 21st century technology this is pretty sad.

  • I've installed both SQL 2008 and SQL 2008 R2 (both 64bit versions) on Windows 7 Pro 64bit and had zero installation issues.

    I must be lucky.

  • I guess the whole check what version of .NET you have installed via your browser is supposed to be quick?

    Why not simply go Control Panel >> Programs and Features to see which version you have that way it doesn't matter what browser you have or if you have some add-on that blocks changes to the user agent string.

  • Nice one....

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