SQL Server 2008 is supposed to support Kerberos over Named Pipes, but I cannot get it to work.

  • Could anyone else test this as well? It's driving me crazy. I've been asked to test if Named Pipes can now be used for Linked Servers.


    So I can specify TCP:<MyRemoteServer>\<MyInstance>

    And running:

    select * from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id=@@spid

    Would show auth_method as KERBEROS

    As soon as I connect via NP:<MyRemoteServer>\<MyInstance> it always defaults to NTLM.

    Keep in mind that I've created the SPNs correctly and according to the technet above. I also see no errors in the security events log. It seems to chose straight away NTLM and not really a failover situation.

    Can any DBA/Dev with 2 SQL 2008 boxes test as well?

  • Bump, another link:


    Kerberos Authentication

    Beginning in SQL Server 2008, support for Kerberos authentication is expanded to include the named pipes and shared memory protocols. In addition, Kerberos can be used without requiring Windows Active Directory. For more information, see Kerberos Authentication and SQL Server.

  • I just tested this with SQL 2012 (remote SQL 2012 mgmt studio to 2012 server). Same issue.... TCP connects using KERBEROS, named pipes keeps using NTLM only.

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