SQL Server 2008 MS DTC

  • Seriously though Halcyon I can vouch for Perry's SQL knowledge. Worth his weight in Gold!

  • anyway the solution - an account didn't have the permission to login as service

  • Hey Everyone,

    I have finally installed the first instance on the cluster. I have a couple of questions not though.

    Should I run and add node B now to make it a 2 node cluster, or should I install the other instances (Mulit-Instance) on node A first?

    When eventually adding the second node, is there anything specific I need to do to make sure its an Active/Active setup? Or to make sure I can load 2 instances on it later?

    Do I create a new SQL server resource group for each instance I load on, or do all instance go into one SQL resource group?

    Anything else I need to look out for?

    As always, thank you so much for any answers/advice, it's really appreciated.



  • Duran (10/18/2010)

    Should I run and add node B now to make it a 2 node cluster, or should I install the other instances (Mulit-Instance) on node A first?

    It doesn't really matter to be honest with you!

    Duran (10/18/2010)

    When eventually adding the second node, is there anything specific I need to do to make sure its an Active/Active setup? Or to make sure I can load 2 instances on it later?

    If as you said above you install multi instances to the first node then add Node B later, it's not an active\active cluster, so what is your point??

    Duran (10/18/2010)

    Do I create a new SQL server resource group for each instance I load on, or do all instance go into one SQL resource group?

    you need a separate resource group and resources for each new clustered instance!!

    Duran (10/18/2010)

    Anything else I need to look out for?

    Yes, what service packs, CU are you applying, i would personally slipstream the SP at install time!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hello

    If as you said above you install multi instances to the first node then add Node B later, it's not an active\active cluster, so what is your point??

    I've not managed to find out at what point does a cluster become Active/Active, I thought it was when an instance was installed on Node B, is this not the case? If not, when/how does this occur?

    I did try to slipstream the install, but I got an SQL Native Bootrapper stopped working error, so I tried another slipstream and received the same error, was disapointed and due to time constraints I ended using the RTM build.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Duran,

    Please see below:

    You have created a 2 node sql server cluster - as long as you have got just one instance your set up is active/passive.

    When you add more than one instance you can set up preferred owners or manually manage the instances between the nodes

    so lets say instance A is on the node A and instance B is on the node B - bingo you have got active/active cluster.

    The order in which you achieve it, doesn't matter really - how you install & set up nodes - this is your decision

  • To add to what Halcyon has already stated

    Duran (10/19/2010)

    I did try to slipstream the install, but I got an SQL Native Bootrapper stopped working error, so I tried another slipstream and received the same error, was disapointed and due to time constraints I ended using the RTM build.

    Kind regards,


    Please download my guide at this link, the SQL Server install portion describes how to successfully slipstream the service pack


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hello, thank you for getting back.

    Halcyon, thank you, that clears it up nicely.

    Perry, I tried the link but it is not working for me.

    I have come across a new problem, I started a install of a named instance and went wrong somewhere (I got called away), I now have a resource group with an SQL network name in it along with its IP address, the disk drives are also present but there no SQL server or SQL server agent present like in the others, I'd like still install a SQL server instance using that network name, but I am getting an error saying it is already used up. I am tempted to use the delete option I get when I right click the network name, but I get a warning box up states 'Deleting this client access point will not remove associated data from active directory. Not deleting the AD objects will preserve the abiility to restore a backup. However, obsolete data could be left in AD. If you continue the entire client access point, including its associated IP addresses, will be deleted. Are you you want to delete Name:<NetworkName>'

    It all sounds a bit scruffy, is this ok to do or is there a better way?



  • The document is 4MB in size so you need to be patient. Right click the link and select "Save target as...", then open the PDF once downloaded!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Duran,

    I would recommend to uninstall it - (you just test throuroughly:)))

    Also check your permissions - domain admin, can create computer names etc etc.

    And maybe follow this http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1687

    Good luck

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