SQL Server 2008 R2 Side by Side installation in Cluster with SQL Server 2000 SP4 (Active/passive on Windows 2003 SP2).

  • Hi all,

    I am Planning to do SQL Server 2008 R2 side by side installation in Cluster(Active/passive on Windows 2003 SP2).

    1.My Cluster already have SQL Server 2000 SP4 Installation.

    2.Can I start Installation(Side by Side) from Passive node ?

    3.you want me give New SQL Server Netwrok name (Instance Configuration Screen)?.

    4.you want me give New Instance ID name (Instance Configuration Screen)?

    5.Can I chose Excixting Clustore resource group or I need to Create New group which is the best ?

    6.Can I use same quarum drive which is using by SQL Server 2000

    My condifuration:

    I Open Cluster Administator Application

    at top most I am able to see

    SQLCLUSTER --> Groups


    Cluster Configuration



    Under "Groups" again Two Icons 1.Cluster Group and 2.SQL

    Cluster Group


    Cluster Ip Adress

    Cluster Name


    MSDTC IP Adress

    MSDTC NetworkName




    Disk G:

    Disk L


    SQL Network Name(SQLCLUSTER)

    SQL Server Name

    SQL Server Agent

    SQL Server Fulltext

    Thanks in advance

  • snivas (10/21/2010)

    SQL Server 2008 R2 side by side installation in Cluster(Active/passive on Windows 2003 SP2).

    Are you sure you really want to do this?

    Windows 2008 would be a better option!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks Perry Whittle

    Yes ..I have to go with WIN2k3 SP2 only...I don't have other option...

    Please give me your suggestion on my Questions..

  • snivas (10/21/2010)

    2.Can I start Installation(Side by Side) from Passive node ?

    active or passive, you may want to read the MS article regarding installing SQL server 2008 alongside 2000


    3.you want me give New SQL Server Netwrok name (Instance Configuration Screen)?.

    yes you will need a unique network name


    4.you want me give New Instance ID name (Instance Configuration Screen)?

    5.Can I chose Excixting Clustore resource group or I need to Create New group which is the best ?

    you will need new instance Id and resource group


    6.Can I use same quarum drive which is using by SQL Server 2000

    the quorum is shared by the cluster, this should not be of any interest to you installing SQL Server!

    You really need to have a better understanding about the system you are configuring, get this wrong and you'll open a whole can of worms.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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