SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Enhancements Part - III

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Enhancements Part - III

    With Thanks and Regards
    Arshad Ali
    Microsoft India

    My Blog - http://arshadali.blogspot.com/[/url]

  • great article....thank you very much.....the simplicity of the language is greatly appreciated...do come up with more of such articles...thank you

  • Great article! Thanks!

    Little hint for .NET developers:

    New .NET wrapper types SqlHierarcyId, SqlGeography, SqlGeometry are not stored in System.Data.dll but in "Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll" in "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\SDK\Assemblies\" directory. After adding the reference to your project you can find them in namespace "Microsoft.SqlServer.Types".



  • Thanks for the article, makes me look forward to our upcoming migration from 2000 to 2008.

    However, I have to ask why you would actually try to use recursion for the 2000 example? Especially with the well-known issues around nesting, why provide such a solution? When I need to do hierarchies, I use something more like this:

    create procedure EmployeeHierarchy

    @EmpID int


    declare @out table (EmpID int, EmpName varchar(255), ReportsTo int)

    insert into @out

    select EmpID, EmpName, ReportsTo

    from Employees_2000_2005

    where EmpID = @EmpID

    while @@rowcount > 0

    insert into @out

    select EmpID, EmpName, ReportsTo

    from Employees_2000_2005

    where ReportsTo in (select EmpID from @out)

    and EmpID not in (select EmpID from @out)

    select o.EmpID, o.EmpName, e.EmpName Manager

    from @out o

    inner join Employees_2000_2005 e

    on o.ReportsTo = e.EmpID

    order by 1


    A routine like this self-limits, so no infinite loops in cases when somebody messes up the list. No problems with recursion levels either. If the @out table gets too big, convert it to a temp table with indexes.

    Or am I just missing something?

    Again, thanks for the article!

  • Arshad Ali,

    Thank you for an excellent, well-written article! (Note: the code to populate your sample table is missing the declares for @CTO, etc.)


    Clever solution!

  • I wasn't aware of this addition to SQL 2008 until I read your article. It's interesting but somewhat kludgey.

    I played around with hierarchyid after reading this article and discovered it can be surprising easy to mess up records. Specifically, the GetReparentedValue doesn't seem to be very useful if you are moving children from one parent to another parent that already has children. It will actually assign duplicate hierarchyid's.

    Here's an example of it happening.

    USE [Test]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[hier_test1] Script Date: 08/27/2009 11:14:30 ******/

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[hier_test1]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[hier_test1]


    USE [Test]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[hier_test1] Script Date: 08/27/2009 11:14:30 ******/





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[hier_test1](

    [record_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [data1] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [data2] [nvarchar](2000) NULL,

    [hier_id] [hierarchyid] NOT NULL,

    [position] [nvarchar](50) NULL,



    [record_id] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into Test.dbo.hier_test1(






    'This is the root record',



    exec AddHierRecord 1, '/1', 'Child of Root'

    exec AddHierRecord 1, '/2', 'Child of Root'

    exec AddHierRecord 1, '/3', 'Child of Root'

    exec AddHierRecord 2, '/1/1', 'Child of Child 1'

    exec AddHierRecord 2, '/1/2', 'Child of Child 1'

    exec AddHierRecord 2, '/1/3', 'Child of Child 1'

    exec AddHierRecord 3, '/2/1', 'Child of Child 2'

    exec AddHierRecord 3, '/2/2', 'Child of Child 2'

    exec AddHierRecord 3, '/2/3', 'Child of Child 2'

    exec AddHierRecord 4, '/3/1', 'Child of Child 3'

    exec AddHierRecord 4, '/3/2', 'Child of Child 3'

    exec AddHierRecord 4, '/3/3', 'Child of Child 3'

    exec AddHierRecord 5, '/1/1/1', 'Child of Child 1 of Child 1'

    exec AddHierRecord 5, '/1/1/2', 'Child of Child 1 of Child 1'

    exec AddHierRecord 5, '/1/1/3', 'Child of Child 1 of Child 1'

    exec AddHierRecord 6, '/1/2/1', 'Child of Child 2 of Child 1'

    exec AddHierRecord 6, '/1/2/2', 'Child of Child 2 of Child 1'

    exec AddHierRecord 6, '/1/2/3', 'Child of Child 2 of Child 1'

    select *, hier_id.ToString()

    from hier_test1

    declare @oldparent hierarchyid

    declare @newparent hierarchyid

    select @oldparent = hier_id

    from hier_test1

    where record_id = 2

    select @newparent = hier_id

    from hier_test1

    where record_id = 3

    update hier_test1

    set hier_id = hier_id.GetReparentedValue(@oldparent, @newparent)

    where hier_id.IsDescendantOf(@oldparent) = 1

    and record_id 2

    select *, hier_id.ToString()

    from hier_test1

    Look at record_id's 5 and 8 in the second set of results. Then there's the issue of the "grandchildren" records. It does attempt to move these. When it does, however, it becomes impossible to distinguish which of two parents they belong to.

    I've gone through the tutorials and documentation on TechNet and they don't offer any examples of moving a branch into an already populated branch.

    If anyone can tell me I'm doing something wrong I'd really like to know what it is so I can make use of this new feature.

  • Thanks Carla,

    Yeah I missed to include declare statement, sorry for inconvenience.


    Kindly add these declare statement in script existing in first table of the article.

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @CTO INT

    DECLARE @DevManager INT


    DECLARE @DevLead1 INT

    DECLARE @DevLead2 INT

    DECLARE @TESTLead INT[/font]

    With Thanks and Regards
    Arshad Ali
    Microsoft India

    My Blog - http://arshadali.blogspot.com/[/url]

  • I really thought I'd love the use of the hierarchyid type... but things are slipping for me.. sorry if I am hijacking this a bit, but it's relevant.

    I am finding it quicker to do a flattened view using ParentId -> Id than Node.GetAncestor(1) = Node

    Is there a reason? :blink:

    I've got a million rows in a catalgoue table that looks like this:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblHierarchy](

    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [ParentId] [int] NULL,

    [Node] [hierarchyid] NOT NULL,

    [ParentNode] AS ([Node].[GetAncestor]((1))) PERSISTED,

    [NodeLevel] AS ([Node].[GetLevel]()) PERSISTED,

    [Code] [nvarchar](64) NOT NULL,

    [TypeId] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TargetId] [int] NULL,

    [CreateDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [CreateUser] [nvarchar](32) NOT NULL,

    [UpdateDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [UpdateUser] [nvarchar](32) NOT NULL,

    [UpdateCode] [nchar](1) NOT NULL,



    [Id] ASC

    ) ON [PRIMARY],



    [Node] ASC

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Simples... I've had lots of different indexes on, but I've stripped them off to get back to basics.

    The tree I am querying has 21000 records.

    If I do the following:


    [H1Id] = h1.Id

    ,[H1Code] = H1.Code

    ,[H1Type] = H1.TypeId

    ,[H2Grp] = H2.Id

    ,[H2Code] = H2.Code

    ,[H2Type] = H2.TypeId

    ,[H3Grp] = H3.Id

    ,[H3Code] = H3.Code

    ,[H3Type] = H3.TypeId

    ,[H4Grp] = H4.Id

    ,[H4Code] = H4.Code

    ,[H4Type] = H4.TypeId

    FROM dbo.tblHierarchy H0 WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCATHierarchy H1 WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON H0.Id = H1.ParentId

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCATHierarchy H2 WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON H1.Id = H2.ParentId

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCATHierarchy H2 WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON H2.Id = H3.ParentId

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCATHierarchy H4 WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON H3.Id = H4.ParentId

    WHERE H0.Code = 'ROOT'

    AND H1.TypeId = 1

    Compared to:


    [H1Id] = h1.Id

    ,[H1Code] = H1.Code

    ,[H1Type] = H1.TypeId

    ,[H2Grp] = H2.Id

    ,[H2Code] = H2.Code

    ,[H2Type] = H2.TypeId

    ,[H3Grp] = H3.Id

    ,[H3Code] = H3.Code

    ,[H3Type] = H3.TypeId

    ,[H4Grp] = H4.Id

    ,[H4Code] = H4.Code

    ,[H4Type] = H4.TypeId

    FROM dbo.tblHierarchy H0 WITH (NOLOCK)

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCATHierarchy H1 WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON H0.Node = H1.Node.GetAncestor(1)

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCATHierarchy H2 WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON H1.Node = H2.Node.GetAncestor(1)

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCATHierarchy H2 WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON H2.Node = H3.Node.GetAncestor(1)

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblCATHierarchy H4 WITH (NOLOCK)

    ON H3.Node = H4.Node.GetAncestor(1)

    WHERE H0.Code = 'ROOT'

    AND H1.TypeId = 1

    The first query runs shed twice as fast. Even if I substitute Node.GetAncestor(1) with my persisted computed column of ParentNode.

    It's important for the dataset to be flattened for exporting to other systems. If someone reading this has better plans please reply or PM me. would be grateful as always.

    I guess we may need both approaches? It's incredibly powerful, but it has it's limits?


  • after playing with hierarchyid and mainly it's GetReparentedValue feature i have to say I am disappointed.

    As well as the problem mentioned above by kent.kester I found that using GetReparentedValue to move a record will not also move the record's children, i thought that was the whole point, why would I want orphan records in my table?

    This certainly feels like a work in progress by Microsoft and hopefully SS2008 r2 will have some improvements.

  • @gerald.drouin,

    While loops do offer a solution for hierarchy based solution, but CTEs are simpler, cleaner way of solving the recursive problems. If correctly used, they offer better performance than while loop based solution.

    Relevant read can be

    http://strictlysql.blogspot.com/2010/01/recursive-cte-vs-temp-table-performance.html"> http://strictlysql.blogspot.com/2010/01/recursive-cte-vs-temp-table-performance.html

  • I tend to roll-my-own when it comes to Hierarchies.

    Here's how I do it.

    Say I have a list of Employees with a Key on ID

    I then make a Employee_Hierarchy table then an Employee_SuperHierarchy table

    Employee_Hierarchy contains the parent and child Employee Primary Keys and is a compound unique index.

    Employee_SuperHierarchy contains the parent and child Employee Primary key and the Gap.

    For every Employee row there's an Row in with Gap=0

    It contains the expanded hierarchy so if (A) is the boss of (B) and (B) is the boss of (C) then

    A, A, 0

    B, B, 0

    C, C, 0

    A, B, 1

    B, C, 1

    A, C, 2

    You can then loop until no more are inserted to build the full hierarchy by

    INSERT INTO Employee_SuperHierarchy

    (Parent, Child, Gap)

    SELECT Parent.ParentID

    , Child.ChildID

    , Child.Gap + 1

    FROM Employee_SuperHierarchy Child

    INNER JOIN Employee_Hierarchy Parent

    ON Child.ParentID = Parent.ChildID

    Then you can easily run a query to find all the employees (or Bosses) of a person. Do make sure to exclude Gap = 0 (employs self/Self boss)

    E.g. To find all the employees

    SELECT Employee.*

    FROM Employee Boss

    INNER JOIN Employee_SuperHierarchy

    ON Employee_SuperHierarchy.ParentID = Boss.ID

    INNER JOIN Employee

    ON Employee.ID = Employee_SuperHierarchy.ChildID

    WHERE Boss.Name = 'Stalin'

  • Good article 🙂

    I used recursion in in 2000 and CTE in 2005, and always had the thought that while my solution seemed clever, the aftermath of dealing with it was always a pain. Moving nodes and children and/or getting all children direct and indirect or all ancestors direct or indirect etc. The implementation in 2008/R2, while not perfect has come a long way. I didn't realize it was implemented via CLR until reading the article, but that makes sense as it is calling methods and such.

    I rated the article 5 stars, but my one complaint is that you squeezed UDT's into the picture after an already full article. UDT's might not fit by themselves into an article, but I think the Hierarchy implementation was quite enough for this article. I know, picky, picky, but that just my 2 cents worth of constructive criticism.



  • hi arshad,

    we are already using the same logic you explained for sql server 2005.

    we don't have sql server 2000, so we don't have to call a stored procedure recursively.

    we have several sorts of multilevel network marketing implementation.

    some companies which use similar business logic are amwa_ and for_v_rlivin_

    this can be viewed as layers or tiers.

    the whole hierarchy can be called trees, stars or simply networks.

    in one of our cases, we are limited to a table with columns parent, tier2, tier3, ..., tier10.

    i guess, i would need to rewrite ddl for this table with hierarchyid, but later this change will imply changing a lot sql logic already written. this can be done because this client has sql server 2008.

    it looks simple, but any tiers, including parent column, can have multiple rows, and of course some tiers are plain null, except by parent column.

    we have successfully drawn trees from these tables, for which the hardest case is this table with columns parent, tier2, tier3, ..., tier10.

    one of these trees is in a flex front-end, and the other is an asp.net treeview as gui.

    your article has given me plenty of insight about tree structure business logic, and i stopped by to say thank you.

    my guess is that hierachyid is in our short-term future for database programming.

    keep up your good work!!

    best regards,

    tonci korsano

  • Nice article thanks. I like the compare and contrast between 2k5 and 2k8 that you demonstrated.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Trying to see how hierarchyId beats storing a "path"-style key, and it's not coming to me: a string of delimited (possibly tagged) local names, like a file path, can be searched using "LIKE" in ways that are much like XPath or LDAP queries. With prefix compression in indices, you don't pay a heavy price in Btree depth on that; and clustering works nicely, too. What am I missing, here?

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