SQL Server 6.5, Unable to Connect, SQL Server is Unavailable or does not exist

  • Hi,

    I have an old NT 4.0 Box with SQL Server 6.5 . This machine have not been looked at for months. When I bring up Enterprise Manager and expand to look at the databases, I get the following error:

    "A connection could not be established to FEPNT1 - [DB-Library] Unable to connect: SQL Server is Unavailable or does not exist."

    In the event viewer in the application log, I see the following error:

    "Can't allocate space for object 'sysbackuphistory' in database 'msdb' because the 'default' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transacton log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment. "

    With this problem, I can't get to any of the databases and can't even run the query tool.

    Thanks for your help!!



  • Have you tried connecting with Query Anaylzer and the try based on the following.

    The error 1105 means that transaction log is full.

    There are to ways to resolve the error 1105:

  • increase the size of the transaction log
  • truncate transaction log

    Because the transaction log cannot grow automatically in SQL Server 6.5, you should increase the size of the transaction log manually by using the ALTER DATABASE statement.

    To truncate transaction log, you can set the Truncate Log On Checkpoint database option, or run the DUMP TRANSACTION command with NO_LOG parameter.

    See "Causes of the Transaction Log Filling Up" in SQL Server Books Online.

  • Thanks, Antares686 !! Question: Since I can't open anything up how can I truncate the log file? Can I do something at the command line prompt??



  • In answer to your other question, I can't get in through Query Analyzer. I get the same error message.

  • Hello all,

    I still need help on how to get to first base on this problem. I can't connect to any of the databases in this instance and can't connect via SQL Query in SQL 6.5 . How can I get to my databases in the first place so I can truncate my log file(s) ? Can I hack into SQL Server, namely going to the OS and copying the database file(s) and running a command line executable to truncate the log file(s) since I can't get to them via any windows interface? Please help give direction here or redirect me to a thread that can provide assistance.

    Thanks !!!


  • Sorry I have found nothing else. You should from all accounts be able to connect however that said how much free space is on your drives? And when you connect which database are you connecting to? Based on the fact you can view the logs in EM should mean you can connect to the master database just fine. You should be able to do the work from the master db and not connecting to msdb until complete.

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