SQL Server 6.5 - won't take any connections

  • Hi all,

    I have one SQL Server 6.5 SP5a running on Windows NT 4.0 Server (not sure about NT sp). Couple of days back, it stopped taking new connections. I rebooted the box after few tries. Still same issue.

    But when I checked ERRORLOG and AQLAGENT.OUT, it says that MSDB is full. cannot allocate segment... syslogs is full.

    How can I fix this issue?


  • I have tried to start SQL Server in single user mode with "SQLservr.exe -m". I could see that the SQL Server is started. But I am not able to connect from EM or QA.

    Can you please help....


  • I got it resolved... Please ignore this post...


  • Cool.

    When your syslogs are full run the

    DBCC checktable(syslogs)

  • Thanks.


  • I know... But I didn't get connected. Thats the problem I got into. Anyway this is resolved.


  • Hi,

    How you fix it?


  • Shame on me.... One of the developer went into the Server with pcAnywhere and changed Network Configuration Utility on the server to TCP/IP.

    Before changing it back to to Named Pipes, I have tried few other things including starting the database in Single-User Mode from command prompt, etc...


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