SQL SERVER 7.0 is not starting

  • Hi Everybody,

    I am using SQL 7. I am unable start the sql server giving error 5. This is the information from the log file. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance

    17207 :

    udopen: Operating system error 5(Access is denied.) during the

    creation/opening of physical device e:\mssql7



  • Hi,

    U can check the services 'MSSQLSERVER'. U can check the log on tab. If you have access to start the services... start it.


  • Check the Permissions tab on the Folder E:\MSSQL7\Data and see to that the Startup Account of SQL Server has Full Permissions on that Folder. Also please check that the db290305_data.mdf file is not read only.



  • Thank You DKS,Sumit,

    Even my System Administrator is unable to start the mssql service giving the same error. I checked the file db290305_data.mdf it is not read only.

    Yesterday evening i found some of the databases are marked for suspect, then i executed sp_resetstatus for that datbase. What is problem? Please....


  • What is the startup Account of SQL Server ??

    Check the Permissions tab on the Folder E:\MSSQL7\Data and see to that the Startup Account of SQL Server has Full Permissions on that Folder

  • Hi Sumit,

    Startup Account Administrator and the administrator has full rights on the E:\mssql7 directory.


  • Try changing the service account login using Enterprise Manager.  If for some reason the service account login was changed outside of SEM several account properties were probably omitted.  SEM alters these properties in accordance with those necessary to run the service correctly.

  • Hi all,

    Thank you for your suggestions.

    Finally I uninstalled sql 7 and reinstall sql7 .My problem solved.


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