SQL Server Agent hangs with MAPI exe Job

  • Hello friends:

    I'm trying to schedule a exe task using SQL Server Agent. this task is a PowerBuilder application to send e-mails using

    MAPI. I don't use SQLMail.

    The problem is SQL Server Agent start the job but it never finishes. I know that SQL Server Agent uses xp_cmdshell to run

    EXEs, so I had checked all the security features (accounts running SQL Server Agent, MSSQL Service, etc.). My app works fine running from cmd prompt.

    I've read there is a problem with xp_cmdshell when it runs any GUI application, but my app don't show any GUIs. First, I'd test the application directly from the command prompt (cause with SQL Server Agent hangs) in a computer running Outlook express, but every times it send mails it shows a small window which splashes for a few seconds. Next, I'd test it running Outlook 2000... where IT NO SHOWS ANY WINDOW while sending e-mail. But finally, when I ran the job whit SQL Server Agent (running Outlook 200 MAPI) it stills hangs.

    Please!!! any suggestion? it's Urgent!!!... I'm using SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 + Windows 2000 Server 5.00.2195 SP4



  • Have you tried running it from Query Analyzer using xp_cmdshell?


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


  • Hi... yes i ran it from QA using xp_cmdshell..... It still hangs... never finishes 🙁



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