SQL Server Agent won't start with new domain logon account

  • Not true - what is installed and running when SQL Server is installed won't make any difference to how SQL Server is installed. SQL Server requires and uses those local windows groups to manage security to the actual files.

    The only time they are not created is when you install to a cluster - which cannot use local windows groups.

    If your configuration does not have those groups - then they were removed after SQL Server was installed.

    And I am telling you I don't have them and I have searched my system for all accounts because it took me almost one week to install DNN 5.0.2 in my box. And SSRS deployment also took days.

    I have also deployed code to Godaddy IIS 7. I should also add I am running multi lingual Windows 7.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Gift Peddie (12/31/2009)

    And I am telling you I don't have them and I have searched my system for all accounts because it took me almost one week to install DNN 5.0.2 in my box. And SSRS deployment also took days.

    I have also deployed code to Godaddy IIS 7. I should also add I am running multi lingual Windows 7.

    Don't know what to tell you - I've installed SQL Server on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 - in standard Windows clusters and even in a PolyServe cluster.

    In every single installation, those local windows groups are created - except when installed on a standard Windows cluster. The local groups are added to SQL Server as logins - again, except when installed in a standard Windows cluster.

    If you are only installing the client tools on your local system - then of course you won't have the local groups created. They are only used when you install the database engine, integration services, analysis services or reporting services.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Don't know what to tell you - I've installed SQL Server on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 - in standard Windows clusters and even in a PolyServe cluster.

    In every single installation, those local windows groups are created - except when installed on a standard Windows cluster. The local groups are added to SQL Server as logins - again, except when installed in a standard Windows cluster.

    If you are only installing the client tools on your local system - then of course you won't have the local groups created. They are only used when you install the database engine, integration services, analysis services or reporting services.

    The main difference is SQL Server Express is not your default instance as is the case for any operating system that is running a paid VS2005/8 before installing SQL Server.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Gift Peddie (12/31/2009)

    Don't know what to tell you - I've installed SQL Server on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 - in standard Windows clusters and even in a PolyServe cluster.

    In every single installation, those local windows groups are created - except when installed on a standard Windows cluster. The local groups are added to SQL Server as logins - again, except when installed in a standard Windows cluster.

    If you are only installing the client tools on your local system - then of course you won't have the local groups created. They are only used when you install the database engine, integration services, analysis services or reporting services.

    The main difference is SQL Server Express is not your default instance as is the case for any operating system that is running a paid VS2005/8 before installing SQL Server.

    Ahhh - yes, if you are running SQL Server Express it won't have the same setup. Besides, SQL Server Express does not come with SQL Server Agent or the other related services unless you download and install the Advanced version.

    However, the OP was concerned with SQL Server Agent - and everything that I have been saying applies to the version the OP is running.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • I'm flattered that my post has generated so many replies but alas I'm no nearer a solution. I have read some of the articles and I'm wondering whether it's related to registry permissions although I'm reluctant to meddle in the registry. Has anyone else come across this issue and it's been related to the server registry settings?


  • Are you sure that the Windows account you are trying to use has the rights to log on as a service?

  • I had something very similar to this. After upgrading an instance from SQL 2K to 2K5, I tried to change the startup accounts. After 2 reboots of the server all was well. After the first reboot, the Agent wouldn't start. This behavior was consistent across 4 servers that were upgraded.

  • Thanks for the tip. I'll try it again and reboot twice as you have suggested. The domain account I'm trying to use is set up as a service account.

    If it still wont work I'm tempted to backup everything and do a new install - a bit drastic I know but I'm not making progress and not getting the full benefit of SQL server agent.


  • Hi

    I spent a while at the time trying to follow the previous posts on this topic and unfrotunately still cannot get an answer to my problem. The original problem from December 2009 is described below:

    Just to confirm -

    * I am using SQL Configuration Manager to attempt the changes

    * The AD account I'm trying to change it to is a member of the Administrators group on my SQL Server

    System details

    SQL Server 2005 Standard SP3, Windows Server 2003 Standard edition, 2 separate SQL server instances installed


    I'm attempting to move away from using the LocalSystem account as the logon/startup accounts for SQL Server, SQL Server Agent and the other SQL services. I've had a new windows domain account created for the SQL Server Agent and given this account a sysadmin SQL server role and also added it to the local administrator group on the SQL server.

    When I try to use this account to start the SQL Server Agent within SQL Server Configuration Manager I get this message initially:

    WMI Provider Error

    The process terminated unexpectedly. (0x8007042b)

    and the Agent stops but keeps the new account details in properties.

    When I try to restart the Agent with the new account I get this error:

    SQL Server Configuration Manager

    "The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion. Consult the event log or other applicable error logs for details."

    The log at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\SQLAGENT.OUT looks like this after the error message -

    2009-12-31 12:12:51 - ! [241] Startup error: Unable to initialize error reporting system (reason: 5)

    2009-12-31 12:12:52 - ? [098] SQLServerAgent terminated (normally)

    and then like this when I change it back to the LocalSystem account and restart -

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ? [100] Microsoft SQLServerAgent version 9.00.4035.00 (x86 unicode retail build) : Process ID 1528

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ? [101] SQL Server CLANCS-INFSTG version 9.00.4035 (0 connection limit)

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ? [102] SQL Server ODBC driver version 9.00.1399

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ? [103] NetLib being used by driver is DBNETLIB.DLL; Local host server is

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ? [310] 4 processor(s) and 4096 MB RAM detected

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ? [339] Local computer is CLANCS-INFSTG running Windows NT 5.2 (3790) Service Pack 2

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ? [432] There are 11 subsystems in the subsystems cache

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ! [364] The Messenger service has not been started - NetSend notifications will not be sent

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - ? [129] SQLSERVERAGENT starting under Windows NT service control

    2009-12-31 12:15:31 - + [396] An idle CPU condition has not been defined - OnIdle job schedules will have no effect

    I'm not aware of anything changing at server level except for the creation of a new instance a few weeks ago. Could this be the problem?

  • That is strange. A couple questions

    1. What's in the Event logs? (System and security)

    2. Have you tried more than one account, or just the one. Could there be some computer restriction for that account?

  • This is the recent SQL Server Agent log covering the time from stopping the service with the Local System account as logon and attempting to change to the new account


    10/25/2010 14:57:10,,Information,[098] SQLServerAgent terminated (normally)

    10/25/2010 14:57:10,,Error,[241] Startup error: Unable to initialize error reporting system (reason: 5)

    10/25/2010 14:55:30,,Information,[098] SQLServerAgent terminated (normally)

    This is the recent SQL Server log covering the time from stopping the service with the Local System account as logon and attempting to change to the new account


    10/25/2010 14:55:30,spid51,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    10/25/2010 14:48:12,spid53,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    10/25/2010 14:48:01,spid54,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    10/25/2010 14:45:58,spid76,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    10/25/2010 14:43:59,spid52,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    10/25/2010 14:41:50,spid51,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    10/25/2010 14:41:25,spid51,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    10/25/2010 13:33:25,spid58,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    10/25/2010 13:33:08,spid59,Unknown,Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

  • Sorry I never answered your question fully - this is a couple of entries from the server security log at the time

    Also we have tried other domain accounts and get the same message. I confirm that we can log on to the server using those AD accounts.

    Event Type: Success Audit

    Event Source: Security

    Event Category: Logon/Logoff

    Event ID: 540

    Date: 25/10/2010

    Time: 14:57:09


    Computer: CLANCS-INFSTG


    Successful Network Logon:

    User Name: SQLIMPORT.SA

    Domain: CLANCSPCT

    Logon ID: (0x0,0x792DAECB)

    Logon Type: 3

    Logon Process: Advapi

    Authentication Package: Negotiate

    Workstation Name: CLANCS-INFSTG

    Logon GUID: -

    Caller User Name: Len.Rigby

    Caller Domain: CLANCS-INFSTG

    Caller Logon ID: (0x0,0x78804ABA)

    Caller Process ID: 2600

    Transited Services: -

    Source Network Address: -

    Source Port: -

    Event Type: Success Audit

    Event Source: Security

    Event Category: Logon/Logoff

    Event ID: 552

    Date: 25/10/2010

    Time: 14:57:09

    User: CLANCS-INFSTG\Len.Rigby

    Computer: CLANCS-INFSTG


    Logon attempt using explicit credentials:

    Logged on user:

    User Name: Len.Rigby


    Logon ID: (0x0,0x78804ABA)

    Logon GUID: -

    User whose credentials were used:

    Target User Name: SQLIMPORT.SA

    Target Domain: CLANCSPCT

    Target Logon GUID: -

    Target Server Name: localhost

    Target Server Info: localhost

    Caller Process ID: 2600

    Source Network Address: -

    Source Port: -

    and this is is from the system log

    Event Type: Information

    Event Source: Service Control Manager

    Event Category: None

    Event ID: 7035

    Date: 25/10/2010

    Time: 14:55:28

    User: CLANCS-INFSTG\Len.Rigby

    Computer: CLANCS-INFSTG


    The SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER) service was successfully sent a stop control.

    Event Type: Information

    Event Source: Service Control Manager

    Event Category: None

    Event ID: 7036

    Date: 25/10/2010

    Time: 14:55:30

    User: N/A

    Computer: CLANCS-INFSTG


    The SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER) service entered the stopped state.

    Event Type: Information

    Event Source: Service Control Manager

    Event Category: None

    Event ID: 7035

    Date: 25/10/2010

    Time: 14:57:10

    User: CLANCS-INFSTG\Len.Rigby

    Computer: CLANCS-INFSTG


    The SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER) service was successfully sent a start control.

  • Strange, I've seen something similar, but usually gotten some type of SSPI error in the event logs. It almost sounds like some strange corruption issue, but it seems that the Agent works with LocalSystem, correct?

    Not sure what's wrong here.

  • Steve

    Agent definitely works with the LocalSystem account - this is how we have had it set up from the start and it works fine however with this account we cannot see data on other servers that we want to import in our nightly schedules.

    Is there another way around i.e. can we use a local account to see the data on other servers in the same domain?


  • The agent can't log into other servers: no rights.

    However, you can proxy a job with another account. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189064.aspx

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