SQL Server and AS/400

  • Hi

    Here's the plan, to use an ASP.Net front end to a SQL server that is the middle tier between the web and AS/400. I would like to hear from anyone with any experience or ideas about the how's and why's needed to make this happen. I know little about AS/400 and possibly even less about why they want this done. Any info is appreciated. Thanks

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  • Take a look at IBM Client Access Express software, installed on the server it enables you to connect to AS400 and download data to SQL or can be used to establish a linked server connection to the AS400. This is one option !

  • We did something like that ..... Used IBM's MQSeries product to transmit data from the web to AS/400 ........ Maybe IBM's WebSphere would help too ?

  • We have our ERP systems running on AS400's and are running .NET applications from SQL. We have created DTS packages which extract data out of the AS400 through an ODBC connection and Client Access Express.

  • Thanks! I'll check all of those options out.

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