SQL Server and MySQL - can''t they just get along?

  • That works just fine.. no problems at all.

    Don't know if this may be a factor, but the server I'm trying to link to has a dash in the name.. like this: prefix-name, so I don't know what effect that would have.

  • I realize that it's been well over a year since anybody added to this thread but I find myself in the exact same situation. It would appear that I've linked to the MySQL server properly since I'm not receiving any errors when I attempt a query but I just don't get any results from my query. The query will be 'executing' for as long as I leave it running without every returning a single record.

    In my situation, I use a System DSN to connect to MySQL and I have additional linked servers to SQL Server machines that work fine.

    Also, the MySQL database contains a hyphen in the name,

    Were you ever able to resolve this problem?

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