SQL Server Collation

  • Hi all,

    We are running an SQL2k (Spanish Version) with Spanish Collation. Want to change the collation to English (at server level).

    any ideas?


  • Unfortuantly you will have to re-install SQL Server with correct collation. If you have any databases you wish to retain then you will also have to think how your going to get the data copied. A normal restore from a Spanish backup will notwork on the new collation.


  • Rick is right about the server reinstall. However you can set the collation at the database level so the database should be fine with the spanish collation at the DB level. But for safety do make a backup of all the databases before doing the reinstall.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Kashif,

    My apologies Antares686 is correct in saying you can set collation at DB level, I missed the fact your working with SQL2k. Tend to have my head stuck in SQL 7.0 mode most of the time.

    All others be aware that SQL Server prior to SQL2k did not have this facility.


  • Thanx. It worked.

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