SQL Server Consolidation - Named Instances

  • :hehe::w00t::cool:

    I am in the process of planning our server consolidation and thought about the following:

    1. I have 85 servers to consolidate.

    2. I will be installing Named instances to avoid OS costs (licensing, out source maintenance, etc)


    Can I use DNS names to keep application changes to the minimum? Connection strings, stored procedures using hard coded reference to the current server name, etc.

    I was wondering if I can create a DNS, currentservername, and point it to mynewservername/mynewinstance?

    Please let me know if this is possible. I used aliases for the servers themselves and avoid all the hassle when I have to migrate a server, but do not know if I can do it with named instances. Any input is very much appreciated. Thank you all :w00t: :hehe: 😎

  • yes.

    use SQL server config manager to bind an instance to a specific IP address and port 1433.

    You'll obviously need to bind several IP's to your host's NIC to accomplish this.

    you could turn off the SQL browser service if you did it this way (but wouldn't have to )


  • 😀

    That is great!!! Is there any article with step by step to do this? Is better to have it handy to avoid any mistake, don't you think? Appreciated 😀

    By the way, I ride bike as well, a Trek 2200. Cool!!! Thanks again


  • I didn't have an article, but the logical steps are:

    secure IP addresses from networking

    secure DNS cnames

    assign IP's to NIC on SQL Server

    test Cnames

    use SQL Server configuration manager adn go to TCP network settings and hard code IP and Port.

    restart SQL instances

    test cname connectivity.

    If you're on a cluster you'll have to set up the clustered NIC resource too and run SQL config mgr on both nodes.

    That's an 06 Madone 5.9 I'm riding in that pic.

    Keep your chain on!

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