SQL server db implemetation guidelines

  • Hi all,

    I am new (this is my second post) on these forums so please correct me if this is not the right place for my question!!

    Since a few weeks I have a new job and one of my tasks is to administer a SQL server db.

    First deliverable is a document with guidelines for the other developers on how to implement new tables, queries, views, keys, ...

    Does some one have such an example doc for me or knows where to find one...?





  • Hi!

    I do not have a doc at hand, but you certainly can build something out of the examples contained in the Books Online (Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Books Online).

    Have a look at the "Creating and maintaning databases" chapter, which also deals with tables.  It is an entry point to the different ways of doing all these things in SQL Server.




  • Xavier,

    Thanks for your quick post!

    I am a vb/c# developer by origin. What I am looking for is a sort of coding standards/conventions for implementing a database.

    So I am looking for a document for sql server as the following document is for vb6:






  • Hi!

    I know of this:


    It is not what you need, but it contains one billion good ideas.

    As for "pure" coding conventions (such as how to write identifiers or how to indent), I don't know of any.  I more or less follow the Books Online look-and-feel.




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