SQL server dba (5 years exp) in London who will be immigrating to Denver

  • I am a English SQL server dba (5 years exp) in London who will be immigrating to Denver at the end of October this year with my American wife, and will be looking for work in the Denver area.

    This mail is in no way a request for you to offer me employment or to find me employment, I would however appreciate if you could point me in the right direction as to how one goes about securing an IT position in Colorado.

    Are there certain publications that have IT job listings, are there specific job agencies (physical and online) that deal in placing IT professionals?

    If you could give me a few pointers to recruitment resources in the Colorado area it will greatly assist me in my relocation to the USA.

    I thank you in advance

  • You could post your resume on Monster.com, Dice.com, HotJobs.com. That is a good start.

  • I would do a google search for

    denver tech employment

    Metropolitan areas of that size typically have employment or recruitment agencies that specialize in high tech jobs.

    Also check denver.jobing.com

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