SQL Server event log (Error: 17883)

  • Hi,

    These seems to be a lot these events being logged in our event log. Googling this error led to the following KB article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/890637/.

    But the SQL Server is already running on the SP4. I am not sure if I am missing anything here.

    How do I stop these messages (other than changing the security audit level).

  • Are you sure you are at SP4? How many instances of SQL Server are on that server? If there are more than one, you need to make sure you applied SP4 to each and every one.

    Run this (in each instance) to make sure you are at SP4...

    USE Master

    SELECT ServerProperty('Edition'),




  • I am positive that I got SP4 on our DB Server. We only have default instance.

    Here are the results when I ran serverproperty command.

    Standard Edition SP4 8.00.2039

    Any ideas folks ?

  • We are in the same boat.  We noticed the problem on a group of replication subscribers that we recently upgraded.  Our weekly integrity checks doubled in completion time after we applied SP4.  Does anyone have anymore info on this?  Thanks.

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