SQL Server Failover and SQL Server Error Log

  • Hi,

    We have a sql server 2 node Active/Passive environment.

    I have couple of doughts


    When I stop the SQL Server on active node, It will failover to secondary node, at this time I could see the below Message in sql server log

    "SQL Server is terminating due to 'stop' request from Service Control Manager." then SQL Server recovery of the database message...

    at this time will tempdb will be recreated?

    In my case I am seeing tempdb creation data and time is same as fail over date and time.


    Can some one help me what Messages will be logged in SQL Server Error Log at the time of failover?

    Where do I find the info about successful failover?


    Rajesh Kasturi

  • If it is a clustered SQL Server, you'd better manage the failover from the cluster administrator by moving group instead of simply shutting down the SQL service.

  • What are you trying to achieve, are you trying to catch\alert on a failover?

  • I am trying to find the SQL Server Errorlog messages while moving the sql server resources from one node to the other node.

    I would like to see the sql server error /warning messages at the time of cluster fail over.

    Rajesh Kasturi

  • Check windows event viewer application logs and see if it helps.


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