SQL Server Job issue -- It's an emergency

  • Hi,

    One of our Production Servers contains a job (Daily run) which gets the Data from another Server and dump into local DB. From last couple of days, it is failing with the reason "Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server. Connection may have been terminated by the server". So we ran the job, still failing with same reason, but when execute the script (which has been placed in the Job) manually Data getting loaded properly without any issue.

    Today, we've monitored while job is running through sysprocesses, Eventviewer, interms of Lock and any process keeping this job wait etc. But we didn't find any clue. As expected, it got failed and when we've gone through Event Viewer (Application mode), it is showing "Process ID was killed by hostname XXX, host process ID X" (when it got failed). So again ran the script manually.

    Please assist, as this is critical DB...

  • If you go into the "Advanced" section of the scheduled job, you can output errors to a log file. Sometimes that will give more useful information.

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