SQL Server Job/Volunteer

  • I am in the process of changing my career. I completed my sql server training. I've practiced a lot and am now available to start my new career but the problem is i'm not finding any entry level job. I like the DBA role. I am ready to volunteer too but could not able to find one. I have basic (book) knowledge and working on my machine but not the real world scnaerios. I've read through security, mirroring, log shipping, filegroups, policy based management, bacup/recovery, index design and maintenance, DBCC commands, DMV's, sql profiler, DTA etc. I believe I need a little help on my first step. Can anyone let me know where and how can I find/start as Jr. DBA. If anyone need any extra help please let me know. I'm willing to travel anywhere in US.

    Thank you

  • Get in touch with your local Sql Server user groups.

  • Check for the Entry Level Jobs in the Jobs board like Dice.com, CareerBuilder.com and Indeed.com etc.. You will definitely find one.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Not only for DBA but in any field getting first break is difficult but not impossible.

    So be focused and have patience & faith; do not give up. You will get one soon.


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • I agree with HTH, i know it could be challenging because DBA job is comparitively a higher rated job.

    Becuase you would be managing some company's customer data may be.

    So, just believe in yourself, try to look for jobs on some jobs site. try to get in touch with some job consutants may be they can help you.

    But just a remark, pls. never play with production data in your job role because i have seen many Jr. DBA start playing on production enviorments to learn something new and pay a huge penalty .

    All the best...

  • First time job seekers, those wanting to break into a new filed, and even recent college graduates are having the toughest time in this economy. Jobs are somewhat harder to find now, not due to shortage of projects or need, but because companys are still reluctant to commit to hiring new staff. They are more willing to hire contractors, but of course they expect contractors to bring more experience to the table. If you're sitting in a job with a reliable income, even if you don't like the job, then realistically you may need to wait things out for a few more months or year.

    You mentioned that you passed some certification exams or training, but also read up on more general books about performance tuning, database architecture, and T-SQL. Also get familiar with SSIS, SSRS, and SSAS; at least the point where you can intall, configure, and understand it's workings. I've seen a lot of job descriptions for SQL Server DBA that list this as secondary requirement.

    In the meantime, I definately agree with the others about joining your local SQL Server user group, attending their monthly meetings, and put the word out that you are looking for a job. There is no substitute for meeting with people in person.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Thank you for your replies. I contacted user group but did not get any feedback. Ill just continue looking for job lets see what happens.

  • send me your resume at sqldba.ahmed@gmail.com. We are looking for a junior dba.

  • Just show up for their next monthly meeting.


    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • I was facing the same situation,

    Its very diffficault to find entry level junior DBA in states.

    I got an offer from caribbean company and shifted there..now iam happy..

    U can look up that also, they pay good here (US$),

    tax is also very less (10%)..

    When i was in states, i never thought i have to go out of states to get a job, but it happened...

    have patience and faith, i can understand u very well..

    Also as guyz suggested, SSIS,SSRS and SSAS are also very imp to a DBA.



    Sushant Kumar

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