SQL Server JSON Export to Multiple Files for processing

  • Hi

    I am after some advice on working with JSON extract file sizes from SQL 2017 stored procedures for usage in other no-SQL systems.

    Currently I have a JSON fie size of around 1GB and I really need this to be split into smaller chunks for processing into no-SQL systems. Wondering if this is better undertaken within the export to JSON in SQL Server or post the output to JSON via python or other processing? If i were to do it in SQL what would be the most performant method of say splitting into chunks of 75k recs per file?



  • at a rough guess you might make a loop (i'm assuming you have a numerical sequential value for your row)

    something like

    declare @rc int=0

    while @rc>0


    declare @lastrow int=1

    select top 75000 * for JSON from mytable where id>@lastrow

    set @rc=@@rowcount

    set @lastrow=@lastrow+@rc


    not sure how you are shredding the files, but this will give you multiple result sets... if that doesn't work for you then you'll have to do something similar in code. -

    1. find how many rows
    2. get first 75000
    3. loop using last requested value



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