SQL Server login Server Roles needed for Backup Exec User

  • SQL 2008r2 ---- Windows Server 2008 Standard

    I want to create a new SQL server login to allow Backup Exec to pull backups from our SQL Server that have been created by an SQL Maintenance plan. I have created a Domain User to accomplish this and believe Widnows Authentication is what I need to use.

    Here’s a bit of history: This job was preivously done under another user’s name, who had ‘ sysadmin’ server roles, abelow are the errors received after the user removed his login for extracting the backups via Backup Exec. . What I don’t know is the following:

    What are the minumium Server roles needed for this User to be able to login into the SQL server and pull backups?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Date 3/7/2011 2:00:01 AM

    Log SQL Server (Current - 3/9/2011 3:03:00 AM)

    Source Logon


    Login failed for user 'XX\xxxBackupExec'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: xx.xx.x.xxx]

    Log SQL Server (Current - 3/9/2011 3:03:00 AM)

    Source Logon


    Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.

  • Try db_backupoperator on each database. You'll need to add the user to the dbcreator role at the server level if you want the user to be able to verify backups as well.

  • JKG above hit the nail on the head. But to add to that, if you are using a third party tool that uses extended procedures (e.g. Redgate SQL Backup - excellent tool ;-)) then you need to check that all the permissions for that user running the third party tool has been granted.

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