SQL Server Logs

  • I checked a few resources including BOL but find very little (so I guess its not possible?) Is there a way to enable a verbose mode for these logs? Does anyone know a resource for interpreting these logs?

    SQL 2012 Standard VPS Windows 2012 Server Standard

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  • Are you talking about database transaction log?  If so, there isn't a good built-in way of reading and interpreting them.  There are several 3rd party tools, such as Lumigent Log Explorer and ApexSQL Log, that make reading transaction logs easy.



  • No I'm talking about the the what BOL referes to as the SQL Server Logs not the transaction logs. The logs I want to know more about are located under the Management node in Enterprise Manager. The logs that tell you successful backups or error messages. Can these be configured to be more verbose? Is there any good documentation on how these logs work? Can they be configured?

    SQL 2012 Standard VPS Windows 2012 Server Standard

  • Sorry, I don't know any way to configure the log to give more information.  I can usually figure out what's going on by looking at both the SQL Server log and the Windows logs in Event Viewer.  Any error codes can be looked up in MS Knowledgebase .



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