SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Azure

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Azure

  • By the way, you can use SQL Server 2008 R2 (CTP) where the SQL Server Management Studio works with Azure (without having to use workarounds)

    Download it here http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2008/en/us/R2Downloads.aspx

  • This topic is changing fast. I fully expect this article to be out of date in a year from now. Windows 7 will work with SQL Azure SDK too for example.

  • I'm not sure where the "only works with Vista and Windows Server 2008" statement comes from. SQL Azure connectivity is working fine from my Windows 7 client.

  • This is not meant to be a criticism as I don't know when the article was written, but at least with the latest CTP, you can connect to SQL Azure using Windows XP as well. I have connected using SSMS and the Sync Framework. Azure is definitely more interesting and usable than I had thought it would be. The tools aren't there yet, but they are coming. Here's an interesting blog post by Jamie Thomson

    Jack Corbett
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  • This article was written about a month ago, and my guess is the author did not have Win 7 at the time. Many of the articles written will age quickly as technology changes, so adding those comments is not very helpful and a little snide.

    If you want to provide information, please feel free to do so, but denigrating someone's work isn't very professional and inappropriate on these forums.

  • I'm curious to know if anyone is using Azure actively in a production environment yet. I don't really have any intention of moving to it right now, just like to keep up on what's out there and available in case the need ever arises.

    I like the availability anywhere component. Granted I have a laptop and could get to my DB's anywhere as well but of course it requires logon to my VPN.

    I was reading yesterday about some of the limitations of Azure (for example, no filestream or geospatial capabilities) and I'm also wondering if those are big enough drawbacks for people not to adopt.

    Just hopefully fostering good discussion.

    The distance between genius and insanity is measured only by success.

  • AFAIK, Azure is beta now. I'm sure there are some people using it, but it should go live, and start to cost $$ in Jan 2010

  • Yes, AFAIK billing begins in Jan 2010 - but actual financial transactions wont happen till Feb 2010.

    The one month period I believe is to flush out the billing/monitoring and other infrastructure bits being Azure

  • Apologies. I've been hearing and reading so much about it, thought it was live already.

    The distance between genius and insanity is measured only by success.

  • It is live for the purposes of development & deployment.

    Its commercial release is next year.

    As far as experience. We've been using it for developing concepts and has worked quite well. Yes it does not have all the full blown capabilities like CLR support or GeoSpatial, But given the pace with which Microsoft is moving on this, I won't be surprised to see it soon.

  • Now that we have folks using it, can we determine why the database runs extremely slowly? I use this and the Amazon EC2 and they are both horrible on IOPs. It's easy to get started, but hard to use in any form of production environment.

  • The Jan Bill is going to be a informational Statement (Warning)

    Feb 2010 onwards it will be actually billed

  • Wish Azure worked with 3rd party tools, like SQL Buddy or Query Express.

    For QueryExpress v3.9, able to connect to Azure via the SQL login. But not able to select default database for logon. Once logged on, I can at least select query the default views on the master database. Can't switch to other databases though, get error:

    "Cannot change database: USE statement is not supported to switch between databases. Use a new connection to connect to a different Database."

    QueryExpress had OLE DB option. But guess Azure has no OLE DB connection string?

    For SQL buddy, can "test" database connection to Azure for master and custom database. But try to login and get exception.

  • In theory you should be able to connect via any TDS based client (JDBC, ODBC, OLEdb) I believe.

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