SQL Server object statistics

  • Hello folks

    I'm writing for some suggestions on using DMV's to monitor how frequently stored procedures are executed and how frequently tables are accessed?

    For instance, DMVs like SYS.DM_DB_INDEX_USAGE_STATS can be used to monitor how often indexes are used and hence how often tables are accessed can also be deduced.

    Is there any equivalent DMV for monitoring object access of other types, such as how often certain stored proc's are executed? And if not, what is a good way to monitor this?


  • Have a look at this article:

    Dunno if this is what you're looking for.

    There are several commercial products on the market for this, but I can't recommend 1 based on your limited requirements.

    Hans Brouwer

  • db_bunny (10/14/2009)

    Hello folks

    Is there any equivalent DMV for monitoring object access of other types, such as how often certain stored proc's are executed? And if not, what is a good way to monitor this?


    A method that I use is to use a query such as

    select object_name(p.objectid, db_id('MyDBName')) as ProcName

    ,s.last_execution_time as LastRunTime

    ,row_number() over (partition by p.objectid order by s.last_execution_time desc) as RowNum

    from sys.dm_exec_query_stats s

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan (s.plan_handle) p

    I take the results of that and throw it into a LogTable in my Admin database where RowNum = 1.

    I then setup a job that runs daily. This will get me the procs that have been run during the monitored period. I can then query that table and compare the results to sysobjects to find procs that have not run with a query like the following:

    select s.* from sys.objects s

    Left Outer Join admindb.dbo.ProcLogTable a

    on a.ProcName = s.name

    Where type in ('p','fn')

    and a.ProcName is null

    and s.name not like 'dt_%'

    Order By s.name asc

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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